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"We need to get back to Hogwarts!" Scorpius exclaimed.

"What, why?" Rose asked in a concerned tone. "We just got here, Scorpius,  what's wrong?"

"This was all a distraction!" Scorpius said as he made his way towards the fireplace. Everyone looked at him weirdly, they didn't understand what he meant but they didn't stop him from leaving. 

Just as Scorpius disappeared through the flames, Rose felt her heart drop. "Oh no," She whispered as she copied her boyfriend's actions and ran towards the fireplace. 

"Rose!" Albus stopped her by grabbing her arm. "What the hell! What is going on!?"

"Eleanor!" Rose breathed, "She and Caleb are still in the castle! We left them alone!"


Scorpius ran down the empty halls of the castle, his loud footsteps echoing through the walls. It felt like the longest he ever took to go from McGonagall's office to the Great Hall. When he got there he was panting and out of breath as he scanned the room for Eleanor but she was nowhere to be found.

"Scorpius are you alright?" He felt a strong hand on his shoulder. Startled, he looked to his right to see Caleb standing beside him, his expression full of concern. Scorpius was so distracted  he hadn't even seen Caleb walking up to him

"Have you seen your sister?" Scorpius asked urgently.

"No," Caleb answered, "I think she went up to the common room to get a jumper or something."

Scorpius didn't think, he just turned his back on Caleb and ran towards the Gryffindor tower. This was the worst possible scenario. Caleb didn't understand why his cousin was running but followed him anyway. 

"Scorpius!" Caleb exclaimed as he reached the bottom of the stairs, "Wait up!" Scorpius was only a few flights of stairs away from the tower by now, he ran faster, he was terrified to see what he was going to find inside the common room.

When he finally reached the portrait it was already open and the fat lady was nowhere to be found. He couldn't breathe as he stepped foot inside the unusually dark and chilly common room where he found what he was most dreadful to find. Scorpius' heart sank and chills went down his spine as he saw Eleanor laying lifeless on the ground. Her blue eyes were still open, but they didn't move, her now pale skin glowed as moonlight shined upon it through the open window. One of her sleeves rolled up to her elbow, the word mudblood was written in fresh crimson blood that was now dripping onto the floor. 

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Caleb breathed as he walked through the portrait. As soon as he saw his sister on the floor he gasped and immediately ran and kneeled down beside her. At first, he was speechless and unsure of what to do. "Eleanor..." he whispered quietly, tears starting to roll down his cheeks. With his hands shaking, Caleb grabbed his sister and shook her body abruptly "Eleanor! El please, wake up! Wake up!" He was sobbing by now. "Please Eleanor, don't do this, wake up! Please!" He sobbed loudly into his sister's shoulder as he held her lifeless body. 

Scorpius blankly stood there and watched. He wasn't able to think or move, the only thing he felt was the suffocating pain in his chest. 

Suddenly he sensed a group of people entering the Gryffindor tower, she snapped his head towards the door to find Rose, Sirius, and Lupin walking in. Their eyes widened as they realized what had just happened. Rose gasped and covered her mouth with her hand before walking slowly to one of the couches at Scorpius' right. She held onto the wall and the fireplace like she was trying to hold herself up before she finally sat down and buried her face in her hands. Lupin and Sirius didn't move. McGonagall finally arrived followed by the rest of the people that were at 12 Grimmauld Place, soon gasps and cries filled the room. 

Lily was the one to run over to Caleb. She placed a hand on his back and whispered comforting messages in the boy's ear as silent tears ran down her face. 

The period of shock had passed and now Scorpius felt everything hit him at once. Every single muscle in his body begged him to get out of the common room where his cousin laid dead on the floor. The feeling of extreme sadness, anger, and guilt made it unbearable to be in the room. He turned away from the scene and pushed his way past everybody. 

Scorpius climbed the stairs into the nearest hallway. As soon as the door closed behind him he broke down. Tears rolled down his face as he cried out in sadness. It was all his fault, his dear cousin was dead because of him, just like his brother. They were both dead now, because of him, he could never forgive himself. 

Flashbacks of his brother's death filled his head. His older brother's worried face before a car slammed against his side. Scorpius began sobbing and breathing heavily. Utter sadness shifted to anger as he remembered the word mudblood written on Eleanor's skin. That stupid word! With rage rushing through his veins, he kicked an iron armor making it fall to the ground with a loud noise that echoing through the dark hallway. Scorpius walked to the window and placed one hand on the glass to keep him from falling and sobbed into the other for what felt like an eternity. 

Soon, his sobs returned to silent tears and his breaths returned to a normal rhythm. He lifted his head up to the moon and took deep breaths. Scorpius looked towards the door as it cracked open. Scorpius sighed as Sirius appeared through the darkness. 

"Are you good now?" Sirius asked, his voice low. He had probably heard Scorpius's loud sobs. Scorpius just gulped and nodded. Sirius grabbed the blonde boy's shoulder. "Listen to me, Scorpius." Sirius looked directly into Scorpius's eyes. "I know what you are thinking, but you need to understand that this is not your fault, okay? This isn't your brother-this isn't Leo, you hear me?"

Scorpius felt the urge to breakdown and cry again but he held it back.

"Everyone is here for you," Sirius continued. "but you need to be strong if you want to get this over with. It's now or never." Scorpius nodded his head. "Let's go." With that, Scorpius silently followed Sirius out of the hallway.

The night Eleanor died, all the wizards in the castle raised their glowing wands at the sky to salute and honour their fellow colleague and friend.

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