New Years Kiss

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The blond boy knocked on the wooden door of the Burrow.

"Scorpius, dear!" Grandma Molly exclaimed as she opened the door. "Come in, Come in! Guys, Scorpius is here!"

"Hi, Mrs Weasley." He said as Molly engulfed him in a hug. Grandma Molly had always been very fond of Scorpius ever since he first visited the Burrow almost six years ago.

"Malfoy!" James and Fred boomed in unison.

"Gits!" He said sarcastically as he hugged his two friends.

"You've grown, Blondie," Fred said looking at Scorpius up and down. "Oh! And let me congratulate you for being Head Boy!"

"And team captain," James added, "Its nice to see someone following my footsteps." He wiped a fake tear from his eye. Scorpius laughed.

"Thank you! Where's everyone?" He asked.

"Upstairs," James answered, "Parents and Teddy are working, they'll come for dinner though."

Soon enough, all the Weasley/Potter grandchildren we're downstairs, all except Rose. With great enthusiasm, Scorpius greeted every one of them before heading up to Albus's room to unpack.

He had missed the homey feeling of the Burrow, it was the first time in months he had been here and that had been more than too much time.

"How was Christmas?" Scorpius asked his friend.

"Shit," Albus responded while laying down on his bed. "Dominique got into an argument with my grandma. She started dissing Dom's hair and what not... She ran out of the house and is probably not coming back soon."

"Fuck..." Scorpius scratched the back of his head. "On Christmas Day?"

"Christmas dinner."

"Wow. And I thought my Christmas was shit."

"What happened?"

"Nothing. Literally, nothing... No, let me rephrase that. More of the same."

"Wasn't Zabini there with you?"

"Yes, but he's a wop. A freaking boring wop."

Just like Scorpius's family, everyone in Uriah's family had been sent to Azkaban or killed, he only had his dad and his mother and since their families were such good friends, they spent Christmas together.

"He kinda is..."

There was a small silence. Albus pondered in telling his friend what he overheard two nights before, he decided he would but just as he opened his mouth to speak, James barged through the door.

"Quidditch match," he pointed at Scorpius. "Blondie, you're on my team!"

Scorpius quickly got up, grabbed his broom and followed James but before leaving the room he turned around.

"You comin'?" He asked Albus.

The brunette hesitated, "Alright, sure..."

They made their way downstairs, put on their winter coats and Gryffindor scarves and headed out to the snowy back yard. The team had already been chosen. Fred and James were the captains. Hugo, James and Louis were on Scorpius's team, while Fred, Albus, Roxanne, Lily and Lucy were on the other team.

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