Aurora Falls Into The Lake

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"Let's talk about you, Rose." Aurora said as they stepped foot on the pier above the Hogwarts lake. "How are things with you and Scorpius?"

"Aurora," Rose said in a warning tone. "Don't try to avoid the subject. I asked you a question." Aurora just groaned.

It was a brisk Saturday morning, approximately a week after Gryffindor had won the Quidditch cup. The celebrations had died down and everyone had gone back to stressing with exams and school, which meant everyone was stuck inside devouring books, so the and the two girls decided to go for a walk outside by the lake to catch up. The conversation went along and the topic Aurora had been most dreading about raised to the surface. Since she had been with Jon Adams, she was also with another Ravenclaw and was now advancing things with yet another Hufflepuff, and even though it didn't bother her that she was doing it, questions about it made her uncomfortable.

"Are you sure about this?" Rose pressed.

"I don't know Rose." Aurora shrugged. "But why do you care?"

"That's such a stupid question." Rose crossed her arms. "Your my best friend, I care about you, and I'm-I'm scared you're doing this just to prove something."

"I have nothing to prove to that jerk." Aurora argued. "Albus could have had me if he wanted, now I don't want to even look at him."

"You see..." Rose stated. "You knew exactly who I was talking about before I even said any names. You haven't moved on, you're just making yourself believe you have." Aurora stared at Rose with cold eyes.

"I'm the one lying to myself?" She asked in a sassed tone. "Than why are you the one that said you loved Scorpius but now you're ignoring him because he had a girlfriend during the summer... Please give me a break."

"Don't point fingers at me! You were the one that went all crazy and changed-and don't say that you didn't because it's written all over your face."

"Fine, I've changed. So what? I feel better now." Aurora walked closer to the edge and observed the landscape.

"Do you?" Rose asked finally. Silence fell between the two, everything went still, you could just listen to the subtle humming of the wind. Aurora turned around to face Rose but, due to the wet wooden flooring, she missed her foot and went off balance, Rose tried to grab her but it was too late.


Scorpius whistled down the corridor, he was in a spectacular mood, he had gotten a good nights sleep, which for him was a rare happening, so it was motive for celebration. Scorpius decided he would treat himself with a pile of pancakes, made just for him by the friendly house elf's of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was just on his way down to the ground floor when he saw something peculiar.

"Mother! Father!" He exclaimed and waved at his mom and dad further down the hall, they were accompanied by Professor McGonagall. He quickly ran to catch up with them and greeted them both. "What are you doing here-Excuse me, good morning Professor."

"Good morning, Mr Malfoy." McGonagall nodded. "I called your parents in because I needed to speak to them-you did nothing Mr Malfoy don't pull that face." Scorpius scratched the back of his neck, no parents were ever called in, something was off.

"Could I ask what is it about?" Scorpius asked in a slow voice.

"Scorpius." Astoria warning tone.

"I apologise." 

"No need for apologies, Mr Malfoy." McGonagall said, "In fact, you ought to come with us... follow me please." The Professor lead the three into her office. Once they were inside, she gestured for them to sit down.

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