28. Tony Stark

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Okay, please don't hate me!

I'm adding the legend Joker to this story, portrayed by Heath Ledger. The reason I did this, is because I'm in a Joker mood. I've seen the movies and now yeah... Just showing you a bit of my Joker love. Heheheh

Why so serious?

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Y/N M/N Stark. Daughter of the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, Anthony Edward Stark. Iron Man.
You live in New York City, in a huge mansion. Of course, Tony has a huge mansion.
Although Tony has a lot of money, he wants you to earn your own money. So, he offered a job at Stark Tower, which you gladly accepted.

01.00 AM

You're putting the files away while yawning. Ready to go home. Only one thing, New York is not fun at night. New York is freaking creepy in the night.
Cursing yourself when you have to walk through an alley. "Hello beautiful," someone says, "Why is such a beauty as you walking outside at this point of the night?" you ignore him and pass him.
He grabs your arm and pulls you to his body. "You are not ignoring me!" he almost yells. His grip tightens. "You hurt me," you say while trying to stay calm. "I don't care, I...-" he is cut off by a laughter.
"Who's there?" the man asks. Then a gunshot is heard. The grip on your arm loosened. You look in shock at the person.

"Are you alright, doll?" he asks followed by a little laugh. "I guess," you say, not looking at him. "Don't hide such a beautiful face, doll. Look at me," he commands. Your gaze is fixed on the ground.
"Look at me!" he growls. Your gaze is on his face, he wears makeup. He looks like a clown, but then you notice the scars.
"Is it the scars?" he asks while he stalks closer to you. You didn't move, you liked him? He grabs you gently by the cheeks. "Do you want to know how I got them?" he asks. You nod. He grabs a little knife and starts his story.
     "My father was a drinker and a fiend and one night he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. He turns to me and he says 'WHY SO SERIOUS!?' He comes at me with the knife 'why so serious!?' Sticks the blade in my mouth 'lets put a smile on that face!'".

"I'm sorry to hear that," you say, catching him by surprise. "You feel sorry for me?" he asks surprised, "why? I'm the most feared man in New York."
     "I do believe that that's Loki," you say followed by a laugh. He likes that.
     "I'll see you later, doll face," he says while walking away. "Wait! I wanted to thank you for saving me," you say. He stops and turns around. "I'll never hurt you. What's your name, doll?" "Y/N," he smiles, "Joker."

A few weeks later

It was late in the evening. You lie on your bed, with only your blouse and shorts, when you hear a knock. Not sounding as wood, like your door. Your gaze turns to the balcony.
'Joker.' you thought. You open the door, letting him in. "Joker, what a surprise," you say. He looks you from head to toe and licks his lips. "I just wanted to check on you and you look damn sexy," he covers his mouth. "I wasn't planning to say that."
     You sit back on the bed, patting on it. He gets the hint and sits next to you. "How do you where I live?" you suddenly ask. He lets out his laughter, "you're the daughter of the famous Tony Stark. I did some research," he says whispering the last part.

"Y/N!" your dad calls. "I'll be right back," you excuse yourself.
     "What's up dad?" you ask. "We've found a new villain. He's even more dangerous than Loki." you frown at his comment. "What, how? Who?" you ask. "They calling him the Joker." your heart sank.
     "Are you alright, baby girl?" he asks with concern. "Yeah, I just thought about a weird thing. Never mind," you say laughing.
     "I'll be back after a few hours," Tony says kissing your cheek. "Okay, be careful," you hug your dad once more.

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