16. Chris Hemsworth

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Warning: Smut

The premiere of Thor Ragnarok. As Chris Hemsworth's girlfriend, you join him. The paparazzi enjoys your presence and the story about how you two met. After the premiere things get more heated. Very heated.

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''Lady Y/N! You look stunning!'' Chris says, looking at you from head to toe. ''You don't look bad yourself, Hemsworth,'' you say chuckling. You hook your arm into his and walk out of the house, heading to the premièr of Thor Ragnarok.

Interviewers want to interview you and take pictures. ''Chris, when did you and Y/N met?'' one of the interviewers asked. He and you chuckle at that moment. ''I spilled coffee over her shirt,'' Chris says with his hand behind his head. ''Yep and then we got along and here we are,'' you say and peck Chris' lips.

You were walking down the street when someone bumped into you. You felt something really hot all over you. "I'm so sorry, my lady," a dark voice apologies. You look up, seeing a handsome man. "It's okay, really," you try to fool yourself, but he shakes his head. "No it's not, they will be stained and I've probably hurt you," he says. You lay his hand on his cheek, causing him to look in your eyes. 'God, she is beautiful,' he thinks. "Let me help you. My house isn't far away, only if you don't mind!" he adds quickly. You can tell he's nervous. You smile warmly, "No, it's good. You aren't the type for rape, but more the type for caring and loving," you say. He grabs careful your hand, so careful as glass.

When you're at his home, he insisted to wash your shirt. He gave you, of course, a shirt of his own. It was oversized, like yourself twice. He makes you comforting at his home. "You've a nice house," you say. He smiles, "thanks, it belongs to my parents, but they are on holiday now." He sits next to you, for you the tea and for himself some coffee. You got yourself a nice chat, crazy how much you have in common.

''Y/N, good to see you again,'' you hear two British voices at the same time. You turn around and see your two British friends. ''Tom, Ben. It's good to see you too,'' you say and hug them. "How are you doing?" Tom asks. "Pretty good, a little busy with work. And how about you two, Chris kept me up to date a little," you say. "Busy with filming," the both men say winking. "You aren't gonna tell what film, are you," you laugh. "Nope, we are not planning to do that. As much as we adore you, the director would kill us," Tom says. "Both of you, so you're together in one movie?" You say wiggling your eyebrows. Their butts are saved by Chris, ''Lady Y/N, are you ready?'' Chris asks. You nod, ''See you guys,'' you say and you grab Chris' hand.

"You were amazing, Chris," you say. After the movie, you pose for some pictures. Not only with your boyfriend but also with Tom and Benedict. Then the after party starts. You sit at the bar, ordering two drinks. "Two beers!" you yell and the barman nods and winks. You gave him a nasty glare.

"From the house," he says with a smirk. "Ah, nice!" Chris says and puts his arm around your waist. "Thanks love," he says and pecks your cheek. You look at the barman, who's looking jealous. You chuckle at Chris' movement. "Do you want to dance, love?" he whispers in your ear. You nod and pull him on the dance floor. It started normal, but eventually you were grinding on each other. "Shall we take this home?" his voice sounds husky.

As soon as the door is closed, Chris pins you to the wall. He kisses your neck gently, leaving bruises. Your hands ran through his hair while moaning softly. "Ready for tonight, my Lady," he whispers in your ear, your knees weakens at his voice. He picks you up in bride style and walks to the bedroom. He crawls on top of you when you lay on the bed, kissing you softly. His hand shove under your dress. He slides your slip to have more access to you. He shove two fingers in you, slowly pumping in you. A big knot creates in your stomach, but for the release his fingers left you. "Chris," you whine. He chuckles, "Patience, my lady."

You get yourself on top, riding softly on his hardening crotch. Chris moans deeply, he sits to undo you from your dress. Still moving on his crotch, your kiss heated and start with his buttons. Pieces of cloths shattered somewhere in the room. You lower yourself until his cock is fully in you. Both moaning in pleasure. You start riding him with him bucking his hips to give you more pleasure. Chris has his hands on your hips with to have some control.

Chris switches the rolls, he starts pouding into you. His hand makes lazy circles around your clit. He's hitting the G-spot every damn time. "C... Chris, I... I'm close," you're be able to say. "Me too," Chris pants. "Cum with me, my lady." his deep voice pushed you over the edge. You came all over him and he came in you. He collapses next to you on bed.

"I love you, my lady," he says while wrapping his arms around you.

"I love you too, Chrissie."

You fell asleep in each others arms. You wake up early, seeing Chris sleeping is so satisfying. You sneak out of bed, still completely naked. Your eye caught his shirt from last night, after buttoning it you walk downstairs. Preparing breakfast, you decide to extend the food. While baking the pancakes you feel a pair of arms around you.

"Good morning, my lady." his voice sounded hoarse and deep. Deeper than usual. "Hmm, I think I believe that that isn't yours," he says, gently nibbling your neck. "Chris," you moan. "But I like it more on you than on me, wear it today," he says, still giving you kisses in your neck. "Deal and breakfast is ready," you say while turning around. Placing a kiss on his lips, your hands on his bare chest.

"I love you tons," he whispers, placing one more kiss your lips. You smile against the kiss. You separate, "I love you 3000."

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