11. Peter Parker

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Hi, did you missed me? ;)

Who doesn't love Peter Parker (aka Tom Holland)? Peter has this huge crush on you, I mean very huge. Homecoming was coming and he wanted you to be his date. Which succeed, but he forgot for a second your dad, who is protective about his daughter.

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Another boring class on another boring day. As a Stark, you want to do something but you can't because you're stuck in this classroom. So you are drawing yourself and your dad in your suits. Of course, your suits are made of iron. You're not drawing too obvious because the teacher would notice.

Peter is looking at you when you are drawing in your sketchbook. You look in his direction and catch him staring at you. He has red cheeks and looks away. You smile at the thought Peter was looking at you.

Peter has a major crush on you since he met you. He doesn't know how to act around you, he ends up nervous as hell and stutters. Don't forget the blushing, though. He would like you to be his date for Homecoming.

"Thank you for your attention. Class dismissed." the teacher says.

You get your stuff and walk out of the room. Suddenly someone grabs you by your collar and pushes you against the lockers. You roll your eyes when you see who it is. "What, Flash?" you say annoyed. He grins, "Don't be mad. I want to ask you to be my date for Homecoming."

The thought you would be his date for Homecoming made you sick. You want to answer but someone interrupts. "No, she has already a date," a familiar voice says. Flash scoffs and walks away. "You're with him?"

You look at Peter who was blushing at his comment. You look at him with confusion. "W.. Will you be my d.. date for Homecoming?" he stutters. You smile grow bigger and bigger. "Yes, Peter. I'll be your date for Homecoming," you say. You pecked his cheek and walk away.

Peter is still standing there with a tomato head. His hand touches his cheek. "Yo, mate. You're coming?" Ned asks. "I'm never gonna wash this cheek," he whispers. "That is gross man," Ned says and pulls him with him.

Night of Homecoming.

"May? How do I look?" Peter asks nervously. "Do I have to be honest?" May jokes. "Yes, please," Peter says a bit irritated. She laughs, "You look stunning, Y/N would be pleased," May says. Peter smiles and pecks May's cheek. "Thanks, see you," he says and leaves the house. "He is such a cutie."

He's nervous as hell as he rings the doorbell. His eyes widen for a second when he sees your father.

You're all dressed up, makeup is done and your hair has done. Thanks to your older sister, Morgan. "Thanks, Morgan," you say. She smiles, "No problem little sis."

"Y/N! Your date is here!" your dad yells. "I'm coming," you say.

Tony opens the door and sees Peter Parker, his student. "Kid?" Tony asks surprised. "Mr. Stark?" Peter asks confused. "We talk about this later and let me tell you one thing. Hurt my girl and I'll chase you down," Tony grins. Peter's eyes widen, "No, it won't happen Mr. Stark. I would never hurt Y/N," he says hurriedly.

"He is kidding," you say when you're downstairs. "He wished," Tony says under his breath. You give your dad a friendly punch. "You look stunning," your dad says and pecks your cheek. "Thanks, dad, " you say.

''Shall we get going?'' he asks. You nod, ''Bye dad,'' you say. ''Don't be late,'' he says and gives Peter the ''Hurt my girl and you're dead.'' look. Peter smiles nervously and says goodbye. You live nearby your school, so you two are taking a walk. You notice Peter is a bit nervous, he is fidgeting with his hands. ''Are you alright?'' you ask. ''yeah, I'm fine. It's just your dad,'' he stutters. ''Don't worry about my dad, he's joking with you,'' you say.

''I know, I know. That's not it, well it is. But you may know not everything about me,'' he stutters. ''Oh, you think I don't know you're SpiderMan?'' you ask to make it easier for him. He looks confused, ''How?'' he asks. ''My dad is Tony Stark, you think I won't notice anything?'' you joke. ''Thanks to me you got your Stark Internship,'' you say and his eyes widen. ''Really? Oh my lord. Thank you, Y/N! I love you even more now!'' he says happily.

Your eyes widen at the last words, Peter's eyes widen too. ''I... I can explain,'' he says a bit scared. You were still a bit in shock. You walk in silence now. ''Y/N? Are you okay? Say something,'' Peter begs. He grabs your hand and holds it close to him. ''I'm okay Peter. Do you love me?'' you ask. You are happy, very happy but you didn't want any false hope.

''Yes, I like you very very much. Since the day I saw you when I saw you at school, at Mr. Stark's,'' he says. ''I still don't know how to act around you, I can't stop thinking about you,'' he continues. ''I am a very happy boy that you are my date for Homecoming,'' he ends. You smile widely. ''That is the sweetest thing someone told me,'' you say.

''So, what do you think of me?'' Peter asks nervously. You didn't have to think, ''You're a very sweet boy and ...'' you say. ''And,'' he asks. You kiss him on the lips. You could feel he's shocked, causing you to smile against his lips. You separate to see a blushing Peter. ''Is that an answer?'' you ask. He nods and smiles widely.

You arrive at Homecoming holding hands."Good job mate, " Ned says laughing. "You want to dance?" he asks. You smile and nod. Something slow is playing. You lay your arms in his neck and he his armms on your waist. You see him smiling like an idiot. "I'm just so happy to be with you," he says.

"You.. You want to be mine?" he stutters. You smile, "Yes I want to be yours Peter," you say smiling widely. Peter kisses you softly, you move the same. He separates and smiles more than ever.

"I'm a very lucky guy." he mumbles under his breath but you can hear it. Causing you to smile and blush.

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