Journal Entry 10/5/2019 (nsfw-ish)

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A/N : Remember when this story was a journal??? Oh, yea! that's right! hehe

So, it turns out getting onto a flight to Vegas with a couple of hours notice was more than a notion

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So, it turns out getting onto a flight to Vegas with a couple of hours notice was more than a notion. The best we could manage was a flight out the next morning. The extra time was well spent though, I think. I managed to arrange a huge surprise. Emre and Leyla will stand for us and be our witnesses! I'll fly them out to meet us in the morning. I swore Emre to secrecy, made him promise he wouldn't even tell Leyla until the second they land and not a minute before!

Sanam is so excited, so excited. I can't wait to see her face when she finds out her sister can be there with her afterall when we take our vows. Despite all the excitement, I can tell she's a little hesitant at the same time. I don't blame her, I think about how her family, mainly Nihat will take the news more so how their relationship will change and I don't think it will be for the better. When I think about it my headaches and in a way, I feel selfish for asking her to keep our plans a secret. Nihat will never accept me as his son and Sanem knows it just as well as I do.

I never imagined she'd be so strong, she actually chose me and our love! I can't believe we're finally together again and getting married. I'm really getting married to the love and I've never been happier in my life!

Metin called with the worst possible news. Yigit's contract is solid, which means Sanem has to comply or risk being sued for breach of contract. Somehow that prick got her to sign away her rights to anything she writes for the next five years. Publishing her new book is out of the question as well as her plans to publish her short stories in the New Yorker. I can't bring myself to spoil our good news so I haven't told her yet. Metin and I will put our heads together to figure something out, just not sure what yet.

I ended up breaking our secrecy pact three times over...I had to share our news with Metin,with Emry and Baba. I couldn't hold it in! I want to shout from the mountain tops, I get to marry the love of my life and tomorrow can't come soon enough!

"I can't believe this, you're getting married? Look how the tables have turned! All thanks to me!"

"What? You're crazy! We worked hard to get here. You should see our invoice for counseling!"

"So when's it happening? I want to be there front and center for best man duty!"

My face dropped when I had to tell him Emry was likely going to stand in for me as my best man and witness. " Sorry man, we decided to do it right away, neither of us wants to wait after everything that's happened. Consider yourself an honorary best man though!" The good thing was Metin fast-tracked all of our paperwork we need so all we have to do is show up and sign the marriage license. That man has contacts everywhere, I swear!

I saved the best part for last! Tonight was wild, so so wild! We decided we would take a little as possible to Vegas and shop for what we want when we get there which saved a ton of time. The funniest thing happened though while I was helping Sanem pack up her things for our trip back to Turkey. I found her secret stash tonight in her lingerie drawer! She actually had books on tantric sex and kama sutra with illustrations and another book called 131 Dirty Talk Examples! I found an unopened giant dildo which I threw in the garbage immediately and forbade her to ever talk about our sex life again, with anyone other than me! I don't know what all Leyla told her but or what she expects based on that giant plastic penis I found but I had to take things into my own hands and help  sate her curiosity.

Turns out my little bird is not as innocent as I thought! Anyhow, once she got over the embarrassment, we ended up reading those books together and she asked the most hilarious questions, I laughed so hard my side still hurts.

Long story short, we ended up taking off our clothes and seeing each other naked for the first time. Of course, she was scared and nervous when she saw my size but calmed down eventually. We showered together and got to know each other's body, then dried each other off and got under the covers and lay next to each other with her legs wrapped around me, but with a pillow between our lower parts. We practiced breathing in unison and touching each other, just feeling close to each other, opening our heart chakra's as one of the books called it. It seemed weird and hilarious at first, but let me tell you, once we got into it, the sexual energy between us, not having any actual sex, felt otherworldly. I've never felt this intimate with anyone in my life and we haven't even made love yet! I love this woman with my entire life and I can't wait to marry her!

Before she fell asleep I told her she's my one and only, the only one who can make me feel the things I was feeling. She just smiled at me and started crying, cried herself to sleep. I must have watched her sleep until I passed out. Last thing I remember thinking was, my wife is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

The next morning I woke up feeling woozy and she was still in my arms, all soft and warm and fuzzy from sleep, breathing against me. When she woke up she smiled at me dreamily and kissed me with her bed head and sleep breath and all.

"Today's our day," I told her and planted kisses on her on the temple, her nose, her cheek and her mouth.

"I"m ready, Can. So ready," she said, matching my affection with her Eskimo kisses.

A/N: I'm curious about your thoughts! Does anyone feel they are making this move too soon? Do you think they deserve for their plans to go off smoothly? Any guesses as to what will happen in Vegas? (Winner of this guess gets a feature in an upcoming chapter )

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