If You Love Me, Don't Let Go (11)

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A/N: So I'm really excited to move this story along so I have a filler chapter for you, kind of filling in some plot holes and such, with a bit of a time jump. These coming chapters are only loosely edited as I'm planning a huge rewrite but I figured you wouldn't mind coming along for the ride?



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Cradling the phone between her ear and her shoulder, Sanem squeezed her eyes shut and waited for Leyla's reaction.

"Allah, Allah. I can't believe what I'm hearing! So you're telling me that Can is there with you now? Has been there all this time? Sis...what are you thinking? What happened to you moving on with your life? Is this not why you went to New York, to begin with?"

Leyla sounded surprised, as Sanem had anticipated. Keeping the news to herself for all these weeks had been a chore and Leyla had been driving her insane with all of her questions so Sanem had gambled on her sister keeping quiet for now. "You heard right. Don't be so dramatic, nothing has happened, we're not officially together. Yet. And not that I need to explain myself, but I have moved on with my life.  We're working through what happened together in counseling. It's working out well so far," she said, optimistic.

"Yet? When do you plan on telling mom and dad this exciting news of yours, Ms. Independant? This isn't going to go over well, you know that right?"

"I'll figure it out when I have something to say. For now, you'll keep this between us, right? Besides, technically Can is still my fiance, I never broke our engagement officially. So everything is in order and appropriate. No need to blow this up with mom and dad," Sanem answered, sounding sure of herself. One of the things she'd been working on in counseling was letting go of feeling obligated to explain herself. She found she was happier when she always chasing acceptance offering explanations for decisions she made.

"Appropriate? Does that mean he's living there with you? Don't tell me anything else! I'm not a good accomplice. You know I can't hold water, why would you put me in this position!"

"You can and you will, for me..." At the end of the day, Sanem knew that Leyla was loyal and would have her back, they were sisters through and through.

"Sis, are you telling me you fell in love with Can again?"

"I'm telling you, I'm finally open to trying. And honestly, I can't say I ever fell out of love. The love was always there or I'm sure we'd be in a not so happy place. Does that make sense?" The truth was Sanem had tried being alone, letting Can go too many times to count and she had been miserable each and every time. How much time did they have to waste just to figure out, in the end, they were better together than apart, even through adversity?

CAN DIVIT CHRONICLESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora