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We've had a lot of great and best times. I never imagined we'd be at the place I could say the good moments are far greater than the bed, but here we are and I couldn't be happier. As soon as Sanem was cleared to get on an airplane after she gave birth to our baby, we packed our bags and flew to the States right away. After everything that happened and Yigit's eventual arrest and conviction for the part he played in Sarah's death, I figured it was time for a change of scenery. They believe we're here for a sabbatical but I've got something else in mind.

"Baba! Are we there yet????"

"Huh? Are we where?" I couldn't help but tease the boy and he fell out into a fit of laughter. As I look at him now in the rearview mirror, I can't believe how much he has flourished. When he first came to us he wouldn't speak. It took a while to gain his trust and with some ongoing grief counseling, things have worked out just fine...

"Babbbabbaaaaa, I'm hungry. How much longer???"

"Enjoy the view, canim, it won't be that much longer," I said as we navigated the coast of Southern California in our rented SUV.

"Honey, please. The flight was so long. We're tired and hungry. Must we take a road trip right away? Let's just go to our hotel." Sanem said and then the baby started crying as if on queue.

"Not, much longer my love...we're almost there."

"You guys always whine about the same thing, we'll be at our destination soon. You're just hungry and tired from the flight and all this driving with no breaks." I reached over to pat his Sanem's. knee comfortingly while she rolled her eyes

"Uh, you're not funny. Don't patronize me, you know I hate that and I hate surprises even more," she said, giving his hand a playful shove. "Can you're up to something. I can feel it. Where are we really going?" She said and I couldn't

help but smile at the way her half up, half down chocolate curls framed her face and spilled down her shoulders.

Natural always did suit her best.

"You're so beautiful," I mouthed in response, causing her to blush.

"Baba, are you gonna kiss Anne Sanem?" Cemre asked, letting out a squeal of laughter over the whimpers of the baby.

"I just might!" I laughed, shifting my gaze over to Zehra as her cries faded to cooing and she began to suckle on her little fist. "Okay, okay we're there soon, not much longer."

Sanem grinned as she looked out at the passing trees and mountains "I can't believe we're in the states again. I really thought we weren't ever coming back."

"Oh, yea of little faith," he said and reached for hand. "Not quite New York like we planned, but we'll visit there soon."

"I'm not complaining. I love California and our kids will too."

"Of course they will." He squeezed her hand again before turning off the freeway.

"We're almost there, hold tight you two," he said as soon a traffic light turned red in front of them...

"Three, three!" Cemmy sang.

"That's right, we can't forget your little sister."

"Familia!" Cemmy shrieked.

"Aht!" Sanem chided, fondly. "You're Italian getting there, son, but today we speak English. Now say it again, let me hear you!"

"FAMALEEEEE!" He said and all of our laughter blended together this time. I swear it was the most beautiful sound I ever heard.

I take that back. The absolute best sound I ever heard was when I brought my family to our new forever home and broke the news that we weren't leaving, THAT was the best sound. The home was left fully furnished as part of the contract and everything was perfect. Sanem even approved of the huge kitchen.

After wandering around the huge house the realtor had found for us, Cemmy wants to go outside and play on the trampoline. We stayed out there for like seemed forever. Afterward, I put Cemmy down for a nap then found Sanem sitting on the edge of our new jacuzzi bathtub in tears. Ugh, seeing my wife in pain still guts me every single time.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

With tear-stained cheeks, she looks at me through doe-like eyes. "Can, tell me this is real. Is this really home?"

"It's real, I promise," I said as I run my fingers over the apples of her cheeks before kissing each one.

"Baby, what's troubling you?"

With tear-stained cheeks, she looks at me through doe-like eyes. "Can, tell me this is real. Is this really home?"

"It's real, I promise," I said as I run my fingers over the apples of her cheeks before kissing each one. "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Nothing," she sniffed, shaking her head. "It's just right. Everything is perfect, like a dream. I can't believe it's finally happened."

"I know, baby," I said as I took her hand and we walked around our house together, taking it all in, a room at a time. "It's been a long time coming."

That night, I BBQed on the grill and we ate outdoors under the stars. Sanem helped Cemmy pick out a star for his mom and I'll never forget the look on my little guy's face when Sanem reminded him that she'd forever be with him right here. I love her for that. Just when I thought she couldn't be any more perfect, she surprises me again.

We're still working on finding our balance as a family as we near our first anniversary since Cemmy arrived. I can sincerely say, we've found our happiness and peace here in our little world. More than anything, even with all of our ups and downs of the last few years, we found home.

A/N: Well, it's finally the end. I can't even believe it's been almost two years since I started this journey and honestly, I never thought I'd see this day. I want to say thanks to all of you that stuck with me from DAY ONE. This isn't the last you'll hear from me. I'm already gearing up for Sandokan and each and every one of Can's future projects. Be well, be safe until then!

P.S.S.  The Visa situation is going to be tricky. They'll end up going back to Turkey every six months or so for a visit, but eventually, they will get their US Citizenship. 

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