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A/N : Well, it seems like I'm going to finish this story after all!

(FYI: this chapter has some TRIGGERING content. just FYI)

 just FYI)

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After she made a fast breakfast of eggs and toast, Sarah left home with  Cemre five minutes early. She asked a neighbor to pick Cemre up from daycare, make her dinner and stay home with her until she arrived. There was a chance she'd be late and she wanted to cover her bases. She got on the bus and dropped off  Cemre then made her way to downtown Istanbul. 

 When she arrived at Yigit's building, stood outside for a while and smoked a cigarette. She wondered if this would be the day she actually went inside. The air was cold and the sky was still somewhat dark except for a lighted band of clouds that hovered in the sky.

Sarah couldn't help but take in the eeriness of the day and wonder what laid ahead. An ominous chill went up her spine as she entered the building.

She walked up to the receptionist desk and asked for Yigit. The woman behind it looked at her with a bored expression. While she was busy judging Sarah from head to toe, Sarah barged past her and made her way to Yigit's office. The petite woman ran after her making a fuss about calling security.

They arrived at Yigit's door at the same time. Sarah nudged past the woman and entered the threshold of Yigit's office.

"Sorry, Yigit Bey...should I call security?"

"No, it's okay, Dilan," he said, staring Sarah down.

Turning his attention to the woman he had been speaking to, he raised a hand. at Sarah, took that as an indication she should stay quiet. So she did. For the time being.

"Polen, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. We can meet later for lunch if you want."

The tall thin woman stared Sarah up and down. "Is this the little whore you were telling me about? She doesn't seem up to Divit's standards but then again, neither does that wife of his."

"Polen, that's enough. I'll see you later."

Sarah rolled her eyes at Polen as she passed. She smirked as she intentionally stepping into her as she moved closer to Yigit's desk. Polen just laughed and shook her head she exited along with Dilan.

"I thought we agreed that meeting here was not the best idea. What do you want, Sarah?" Yigit said after both the other women had parted.

"I want you to stop. I'm not going through with this," Sarah said to Yigit. "It's not you, it's me," she added with a sardonic edge to her tone. Her palms were sweaty and she could feel her heart racing.

Yigit gave the woman a glance that lingered a few moments before he spoke. "You have a job to do, Sarah. We have an agreement. Do I need to remind you how this ends if you don't follow through with your part?"

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