If You Love Me, Don't Let Go (9)

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 Can has asked for forgiveness and Sanem questions if she really can wholly accept what's happened, accept his betrayal and move on. Obviously their relationship can never be the same now but the question that remains is whether or not Sanem can ignore the inner voice that is warning her to stay clear and instead commit to submitting to her heart, letting Can back into her life. 

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Text from Can 5:39 am:

Can: Good morning, my Early Bird. I woke and you were already gone. I was hoping we could have breakfast together and talk. I hope you slept well! Where are you?

Sanem: Morning! I slept fine, thank you. I have plans for breakfast, with Yigit. Right now I'm heading to meet with a friend to work out in the park. I've got a reading tonight so lots to do in preparation. Anyhow, would you please make sure the balcony door when you're heading out?

Can: Breakfast. With Yigit. Alright. Sanem, I thought... I want to spend time with you, I wasn't planning on leaving to be honest. Would you mind if I stayed here, with you?

Sanem: Can, I thought you understood...last night was nice, and I very much wanted your company, but...we're not together. We can talk but staying with me isn't a good idea. How long do you plan on staying? My hotel is booked but I'm sure you Can something nearby? We can meet up tonight after my reading if you want.

Can: WOW, okay. If that's what you want then I'll respect your choice. Understood perfectly. Would you be okay with me escorting you to your reading? I mean, I'd like to take you on a date after. I mean if you don't already have plans with Yigit?

Sanem: Fine, you can. Pick me up at seven then.

Can: Good, I'll be here! Sanem, I love you ❤️

Sanem: READ || 5:57 AM

Sanem shot off the last text to Can taking a deep breath before slipping her phone inside of her fanny pack. A few feet away Anya a woman she had met in a random pilates class she had taken in Manhattan and who also was quickly becoming a close friend, had already begun with some stretches. The Bahamian woman wore the most glorious and fascinating dreadlocks. Sanem had been schooled in depth all about the spiritual aspect of the textured look she had never seen before from the woman after she had ignorantly touched one of her locks out of curiosity. The two had been friends ever since.

Anya was in the last leg of her studies at NYU and was in the process of earning a Ph.D. in psychology and behavioral science, a practical genius in Sanem's eyes. Although Anya had been adamant about being careful about not crossing professional boundaries, she had been instrumental in helping Sanem process her pain and heal from her recent and past wounds.

"Come on, chop, chop...your clock is ticking, get busy some of us have jobs to go to!" Anya teased. "SO, fill me in...you were telling me you were had a weak moment with your man. Understandable. You've come a long way, Sanem and obviously still very vulnerable. The good thing is, you haven't completely surrendered. The question is, what are you going to do now?"

"For now? Nothing. Can knows that he has to earn back my trust. He wants to start over and continue with our engagement while working out things and honestly, I thought about it because I miss him, I miss our love...At the same time, something inside of me is hesitant. I don't fully trust him and I'm afraid if we just carry on as nothing happened I'll regret it later. I want him to value and respect me, which clearly he never did or we wouldn't be in this mess." Sanem started with a few side bends then used a nearby bench to stretch her calves.

CAN DIVIT CHRONICLESTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang