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A House Doesn't Make A Home

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A House Doesn't Make A Home. 

                               A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.  -unknown.

Day two at the hospital...

"Oh god, oh god...what are we going to do? How did we get here?" Can muttered under his breath, eyes wet with tears. It was nearly midnight when he had slipped into her room. Now he sat perched in a chair at her bedside, just watching her sleep the better part of the night, thoughts and questions swirling around his head. He was angry and hurt and confused, and so sad. So sad. His emotions were all over the place, and his nerves were on end, so much so he nearly jumped out of his skin when the nurse came in to do nightly rounds.

"Sir, is everything okay? Is there anything I can do for you?"

"No, no... I'm fine. How is my wife doing?"

"Her vitals are good...as is the baby's," she assured. "Congratulations, the two of you are about to embark upon an exciting experience."

Can just stared at the woman, feeling so guilt-ridden and drained. He couldn't even form the words to respond. There just weren't any that could encapsulate the bittersweet sentiment of the moment. He thanked her with a slight nod.

"So, the plan is to send your wife home in the next day or so with orders for bed rest. But the doctors will confirm that in the morning and answer any questions you may have when they come in to do their rounds."

"Thank you for the update," he said quietly.

When the nurse left the room, he took a moment to gather his thoughts before sending a quick text to Mihriban. He wanted everything to be perfect for Sanem when she returned home, and he knew Mihribanwould take care of everything. The thought also crossed his mind to reach out to Sanem's family, but he dreaded the thought of Sanem having to deal with their reaction to everything that was going on top of everything else. He would call them soon enough, but not now, he decided. "Dear, when you lose a baby, it's like being on an emotional rollercoaster. You feel so many emotions that can be overwhelming. And some days, grief hits you out of nowhere and is so strong. Be patient...but most of all, be present. Don't you dare leave her side again..."

"You sound like you know these things first hand..."

"I do, but that's a conversation for another day. Now, I'm going to let you go so that can take care of things for my beautiful Sanem...the two of you are in my prayers, son. Just remember what I've said to you."

"I'm not going anywhere, don't worry," Can said, his thoughts lingering on Mirhiban's words.

He had no long how long he had been asleep, but when the sound of Sanem's voice pulled him out of his slumber, the sun had just begun to set, as evidenced by the shades of amber that poured through the half-closed blinds. Hunched over in his chair, body half splayed at Sanem's bedside, he winced at the crick in his neck when he sat back in his chair.

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