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A/N:  Thank you so much for waiting for me, and all the messages letting me know there are some of you who are still interested in this story! Ya'll are cute. I LOVE YOU ALL.

I looked over at the bed we had made into our love nest. The comingled scent from our ministrations lingered in the atmosphere and the sheets were disheveled, a rorshack of come stains left as proof of our lovemaking. Our honeymoon suite looks like someone broke in and ransacked the place!

Our slow and lazy lovemaking lasted through the night and well into the morning. Once we got through the awkward, messy and sometimes painful stage, it was like her vitality was awakened. I was her very first, however despite her inexperience, she caught on to what I like and how to love me exponentially faster than I imagined she would and she has no problem telling me, no demanding what she wants. Just thinking about the way her face slackens and mouth opens, quiet as a church mouse comes when she comes...or the way cries for me to 'make it stop' when she's too overwhelmed with being loved down so good she can't take the sensation has my head spinning, blood rushing to places it needn't be right now, not if we're going to make it out of the room to enjoy the day we have planned.

Neither of us would have minded spending the entire day in bed, however, it's our last day in Vegas and likely our only opportunity to honeymoon, at least for the time being. According to Emry, the agency is barely hanging on by a thread, taking a sharp nosedive since my departure earlier in the spring. I'm eager to help with whatever problems need my attention but selfishly, I can't feel guilty about taking the time I felt I needed to spend with Sanem in New York, finding my place with her again and I hate to say it, but it was worth it. I'd absolutely do it again. Maybe not so abruptly, leaving Emry in the clutch he's in, but I absolutely would. On top of everything else, Sanem deserves to hit the ground running with getting her novel published and she's been dropping hints about wanting to explore mass developing her perfumes.  That means getting things sorted with Yigit, whatever that entails. I'm not excited to have him engrained in our lives again but it turns out his contract with Sanem is solid. To make any moves on her own without his stamp of approval would be a breach and leave her open to being sued. In my opinion, he's been given way too much control over my wife's livelihood but unfortunately, unfortunately...those are the terms she agreed to. I begged her to listen to me, not go through with it but she felt she was doing the right thing and I had no choice but to back off.  

I don't want to think about any of that right now though. No point in dwelling on the past.  All I want is to wrap myself around Sanem, make the best of our time left in the states. Pushing the worrying thoughts aside, I covered my nakedness and put on the largest of the two courtesy robes the hotel had left for us. Sanem and I had been soaking in an oversized jacuzzi tub for part of the morning and I had just finished washing her hair, only to be kicked out so that she could finish up with the 'getting ready' parts she was still too embarrassed to do in front of me. Her innocence still surprises me and I can hardly believe she's real sometimes.

By the time Sanem emerged from the lavatory I was already dressed in mostly a replay from yesterday-- I had on my borrowed tuxedo pants, a t-shirt with the words "Trophy Husband" written in script on the front and a brand new pair of Chuck All-Stars I'd picked from one of the stores in the gallery mall attached to the hotel. She looked immaculate though. My new wife looked like she had stepped off the pages of Vogue magazine, sexier than any of those models, any day of the week. Long locks flowing down and around sun-kissed shoulders while the strapless top she was wearing clung to her figure, showing off a bit cleavage.  And the tight shorts she wore hugged her plump ass in all the right places. That had me licking my lips and my dick hard yet again. "Çok, çok güzel...all the American men are going to be jealous of me. I better not let you out of my sight," I said, going to pull her into my arms. She looked too good and I couldn't help myself.

"Thank you, my love...are you sure I look okay? I feel like this outfit was made for an undeveloped teenage girl," she frowned and pulled away from me to go and check herself out in the full-length mirror.

"Nah, you're perfect, your body is amazing. Anyone can see you take care of yourself and that you work out. Be proud, nothing to hide or be ashamed of," I said convincingly.

She gave me a feigned look of coyness over her shoulder. "Oh, so you think my body is amazing, huh? Perhaps we should stay in. Let's talk about this. I'd love to hear what you like, precisely," she cooed and I got worked up all over again as she came back to me and threw her arms around my shoulders.

"My Insatiable, naughty girl," I whispered in her ear then planted soft kisses along the curve of her neck. "I'd say yes, but I've got something special planned for our last day...and that reminds me, there's something I want to get your opinion on."

"Of course, but tell me about my surprise first...What is it, tell me! Where are we going, Can?" She purred, put on her sexy voice and my resolve nearly melted.

"You're sexy and beautiful, wife, but I will not ruin your surprise...in the meantime, tell me what you think about me cutting my hair? I feel like with this new chapter we're starting I want a fresh look." Plus I guess in a way I feel like if I look different, maybe her family might accept me back without holding the past against me. I know my thinking is skewed and I'm basically living in a fairy tale with that expectation but there were other advantages to changing my appearance too. I felt like with this new look and our fresh start, I maybe could be more forgiving of myself. So, What do you think?"

She looked at me, surprised. "Oh...oh. I had no idea you were thinking about cutting your hair. Are you thinking about shaving too? I mean, you're precious to me either way. If it's what you want to do, I fully support you," she said, smoothing a hand over my chest. The intimate act made me feel calm, sure of myself.

I let out a deep and relieved breath. "Okay then...I'm doing it. I already have a couples appointment set for us at the spa--" She squealed before I could finish. "Don't be too excited that's not your surprise...we're just getting hot stone massages! I was going to say I bet I can get myself groomed there"

"Can, you know I hate surprises but I'm starving. Let's get breakfast. I want to go to one of those all you can eat buffets," she whined, but she reached for her bag, equally and eagerly anticipating our day ahead.

When she mentioned going to an all you can eat buffet I frowned. All I could think about was that Netflix Documentary called All You Can Eat Vegas, which had called the buffets there the "happiest and saddest place in the world. "As you wish, but let's find a good one at least, I bet the one at Four Seasons is good." Emry and Lela came to mind. I thought about inviting them along but Lela had been such a drag the day before I kind of hoped they had taken the initiative and headed back home. I let go of that idea and instead watched Sanem reach into her bag and put on a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses and attempt to sashay past me as if she were headed for the door.

I stopped her, took her by the hand, spun her around dragged her up against my chest.

She looked at me with playful defiance, lips situated in a cute purse. "May I help you?"

"I've got another question for you."

"Yes? What is it?" She placed her hand on her hip, made a time is ticking, please hurry up you dope expression. She's so sassy. I love it, makes her that much more gorgeous.

"Do you trust me?"

She folded her arms across her chest and took off those goofy glasses. "That's the craziest question I ever heard. I flew across the country on a whim and married you. And my family...well most of my family has no idea. I'd say that's a yes."

"Good, good... That's good," I said and produced the tiny egg-sized remote vibrator I had picked up in the hotel gift shop. "How bout we insert this into your...um, lady bits before we leave and have a little fun while we're out..."

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