Using Technology in the Classroom.

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The students can be unpredictable when it comes to their learning. Using technology is their learning can be easier to track their behaviour when it comes to learning. Technology can and should be used in the classroom as long as it is not the only thing/primary use for the students learning. The students should know how to use technology as a learning tool. Teachers are there teach, guide, and create well-rounded as well as well-educated students. Teaching using technology as a tool is beneficial for the students but connecting with the outside world to share what is happening with the students inside the classroom.

Technology is a great way to get connected with the students, the students' parents/guardians, and other teachers from not only across the nation but across the world. There are apps/websites that the teachers and students can use that they can communicate between and teachers can give assignments while students can turn in assignments, like Recap. There are apps/websites for parent/teacher/student interaction especially for elementary school. Teacher and teacher interactions using technology is great way of sharing one's teaching ways with others but receiving information to change their teaching ways.

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