Epilogue: A New Beginning <3

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Neva’s P.O.V.


Wearing a simple yet elegant white dress and a long veil decorated on her hair, Neva slowly walks in the aisle. She is trying to suppress her tears coz’ she does not want to mess her make up. She wears her signature smile while looking eye to eye with her handsome groom who is waiting at her patiently at the altar.

People around them can see how much the couple love each other through the way how they lovingly stare each other, that is, as if no one is there except the two.

Through her request, Kibum agreed to have their wedding at Seopjikoji, Jeju Island, the place where Neva hides herself from Kibum and the rest of her family.

The cool breeze coming from the sea in front of them swiftly makes her veil dances together with the wind. Yes, they are having their wedding in front of that vast green field, deep blue sea and calm sky near the house of Ae Cha’s aunt.

“I love you.” Kibum whispers the moment he reaches for her hand.

She smiles. “I love you too.”

The ceremony swiftly proceeds. During their vows, both Neva as well as Kibum cries because of so much happiness that they feel.

“I promise to love you with all my heart. To take care of you every day in our lives even in sickness and in health. To keep supporting you to the things that you want to do. I promise too, that you will always be and forever will be the only girl I will love for the rest of my life. I love you so much, sweetie, my only apple in the eye, Neva.” Kibum said with sincerity in his eyes as he also slid their wedding ring to Neva’s ring finger. He can’t stop the tears in his eyes.

Same as Kibum, Neva too can’t stop, but crying. It is now her turn to say her vows. She looks directly to his eyes because she wants him to feel every word that she wants to say. She wants him to feel the sincerity of her vows.

“I, Neva Kwon, promise to be a good wife to you Kibum. To be as supportive as you are. To be the one who will patiently waits for you in our house. I also promise to not to be a hindrance in your career. To stay with you in sickness and in health. To hold your hand in poorer and richer and… to be your home sweet home. I love you too so much Kibum.” After saying this, Neva slid the ring to Kibum’s ring finger.

Kibum slowly lifts the veil that is covering Neva’s face. He cups her face and wipes her tears. He stares at her face while they both smile to each other. Because of this, their friends and families shout kisu. Kibum willingly initiates the kiss. He passionately kisses his wife. His home.

“Hana, Dul, Set!” Neva shouts as she back throws her bouquet. She widely smiles when she sees a frowning Ae Cha holding her bouquet. She knows that Ae Cha hates to be the one who will catch the bouquet because of the reason behind it.

“Ya! Why me?!”

“Hahaha! Why not you?” Neva asks Ae Cha back.

Ae Cha rolls her eyes.

Now, they are waiting who will catch the garter.

All the bachelors line up. SHINee members are not an exemption to it.

“Hana, Dul, Set!” Kibum shouts as he throws the garter and to their surprise, though Minho is not exerting an effort to catch it, it lands on Minho’s hand.

“What the!” Minho throws the garter back. “Ya! This is a joke!”

“I guess not Minho!” Kibum teasingly gives to Minho the garter. “You have to put on the garter to Ae Cha.”

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