CHAPTER 6: Can't Get You Out of My Mind

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Neva’s P.O.V.

Neva is so tired that day. She is so drained from cooking to serving the guests. She is currently walking to her halmeoni’s house while half closing her eyes. She is terribly sleepy.

“You never change. You are still the same sleepy head that I used to know, Neva-ssi.”

Neva froze upon hearing this. Her eyes flew wide open when she sees the one speaking.

If there is a last person whom she is expecting to see in this place, it would be him. It would be Kang Ha-Neul. She blinks her eyes to make sure if she is seeing the right person, but unfortunately, yes, she is. She sees him waiting outside the gate, smiling at her. She composes herself and looks at him with cold eyes.

“What are you doing here? What do you want?” Her voice is so cold like a winter.

“I-uh-I just want to talk to you.” Ha-Neul walks towards her. “I missed you.”

She looks at him with disgust on her face. She flicks his hand when he attempts to hold her hand. “Huh!? You are disgusting Ha-Neul. You will be a father soon. Please focus on that. Be a good father to your son.”

“Look, I’m sorr---“ Ha-Neul’s words are cut when she speaks again.

“Don’t be. I don’t want to hear any of your lies anymore.” She passes at him after saying it. She turns again when she remembers something. “… and please, stay away from me. If we see each other again, act as if we are strangers.” She starts walking back again. She stops when she heard his reply.

“No I won’t do that. I still love you. I know you love me too. This is not going to be the last time that we will talk Neva. I will still visit you here.”

“Think whatever you want to think Kang Ha-Neul, but for me, I already forget what we had. Suit yourself then, coz’ when that time comes, I will not entertain you anymore.” She left him with these cold words.

She leans to the gate after she closed it. Before she knew, tears already falls on her face. Aishhh, I’ve told you Neva-ssi, you should not cry about that guy! He is not worth it! She wipes her tears. She does not want her halmeoni to see it. She plasters a smile when she reaches their front door. Halmeoni is probably inside now. Come on Neva, smile naturally.

Her grandmother goes home from the diner around 6 p.m. She leaves the diner with her right hand named Ruby. Ruby is 5 years younger than her. The girl is abandoned by her parents so her grandmother adopted her. Neva is treating her as her own sister since she badly wants to have a dongsaeng.

“Good evening halmeoni.” She greets her halmeoni cheerfully when she sees her sitting on their gyeosil’s couch.

“I know. I saw him outside.” Her halmeoni looks at her seriously.

She sighs. “I’m sorry.”

Her halmeoni walks towards her and ruffles her hair. “It is okay dear. I am just worried about you.”

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