CHAPTER 4: The rain leads me to you. (The first meeting)

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Neva is so happy and excited today. Today is the fifth year anniversary of her and Ha-Neul’s relationship. She is in Ha-Neul’s room. She did not inform him about coming to his parents’ house coz’ she wanted to surprise him. Of course, she asks his parents’ consent secretly. They even helped her with her surprise. Thanks to them, the balloons and sticky notes are placed successfully in his room. She wrote her messages in those sticky notes. She spent 5 days in writing those hundreds of notes.

She’s so nervous yet excited coz’ he will be coming in about 30 minutes. She did not dare to contact him. She turned off her phone for her to concentrate on her surprise. Oh well, she send him an alibi first that she’s busy on that day.

She sits on his bed when she accidentally kicks something below the bed. “Oh? Hmm…” She checks what it is. She sees a box. A cute one. Something inside her pushes her to open it. She is torn between the voice that saying that she should open it and her conscience that says that she should not open it coz’ it is not hers. In the end, her curiosity wins.

The first picture that she sees makes her tremble. It’s a photo from an ultrasound result. Sweat starts to form on her forehead. She’s now a bit shaky. She flips the photo and reads the caption written on it.

My Dearest Ha-Neul,

            Isn’t it pretty? I still don’t know if it’s a he or a she, but I’m really hoping that it is a he. I want him to look like you. Oh! I miss you so much so as our baby. I visited the gynaecologist today and she said that our baby is fine inside me. I wish you could accompany me next time dear. I love you so much.

Loving always,

Your baby

She looks at the date written on the white envelope. The photo was sent just a week ago.

Her heart is crumpled. Her soul is shattered. Her ego is stepped by a million times. How? When? Why? Tears fill her eyes. She never imagined him to do this to her. She trusted him so much.

Then the door opens. There he is, looking at her with shock written on his face. He is looking at the picture that she is holding.

“Babe, let me explain. I can explain it.” Ha-Neul walks towards her.

She signalled him to stop walking. “What is there to explain for? You lied to me! All those time! How could you! I never cheated on you! I… I…” She pauses for a while since she can’t stop her tears flowing from her eyes. “How many months is this child? Since when did you start cheating on me?” Neva shouted on him the last few words. She is a bit surprised that she still has the courage to ask it to him.

Ha-Neul starts to walk towards her again. “No! Don’t you dare touch me! Just answer me!”

Ha-Neul looks away by bowing his head. Guilt is written on his face. “The baby is 2 months old. We were classmates in our college years. It was supposed to be a friend with benefits—“

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