CHAPTER 10: One Sweet Day

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Kibum’s P.O.V.


“Ahjumma, where is she?” Kibum asks as he looks for Neva. He knows that she is in the rest house since she declines to go with him when he asked her before leaving.

Few days have passed and they are getting well to each other now. The more days passed by, the more comfortable and open they are to one another. They decided to have a set-up where during at night, Kibum and Mrs. Park will stay at her place. While during morning, Kibum will help her in her daily routine while ahjumma returns to his place. During afternoon, Kibum and Neva will go to his place to do random stuffs like chatting, watching movies, etc. So far, Kibum is enjoying the new set-up and his stay here.

“She is sleeping in the guest room. That child, she did a lot of things for me. I guess she must be so tired.” Mrs. Park smiles at him.

He decided to peep inside the room. He smiles as he sees her sleeping peacefully.

“Pretty, isn’t she?” Kibum jumps a bit as he heard ahjumma’s voice.

“Ne.” He said as he continues watching her.

“What really are the two of you, Bummie?”

Kibum looks to their caretaker with a frown. “Ahjumma, we are just friends.”

Mrs. Park frowns and looks at him suspiciously. “Friends? The way you look at her is different, Bummie. Don’t tell me that you are planning to add her in your victim’s list? Ya, Bummie, I know your flaws. I am updated when it comes to you. I like her and I don’t want it that you will just play on her. She is too good and innocent.”

“Ahjuma, why are thinking of me that way? Onew hyung also warns me that. Am I that womanizer in your eyes?” He pouts while pointing himself.

“Ani. I know you are such a sweet and kind boy, Bummie. Just spare her in your dark plans if there is any, arasso? However, if she is the reason of your happiness now, then I am supporting the two of you.”

“Woahh! Ahjumma, what are you talking about? I am always happy.”

“Yes, you were, when you and Kang Min Kyung did not break-up. After that, you became a different person. I can’t see that sparkling eyes anymore. Not until now, when you met Neva-ssi. It starts to spark again. Come on Bummie, don’t deny it.” Mrs. Park teases him.

Kibum supresses his smile. “Ani---“

“Hmmm…” They look at the person groaning in front of them while stretching her arms.

Neva’s P.O.V.


She stops stretching when she notices two people standing on the doorway. “Oopps… sorry… I fell asleep.” She said shyly. She is now sitting on the bed.

“Aigoo, it is okay.” Mrs. Park smiles at her. “I will go out first and make a snack for the three of us, neh? While both of you… continue your lovey-dovey moments.”

“Ya, ahjumma!” Kibum scratches the back of his head. Mrs.Park just laughs at them before going away. Kibum walks towards her and looks at her shyly.

“What is ahjumma is talking about?” She looks at him with innocent eyes.

Kibum covers her eyes. “Ya, don’t look at me that way!”

“Wae?” She tries to shove his hand. “Mr. Kim! Let go of me!”

Kibum releases her and smile. “Pimil.”

“That is unfair! Urhmm… Where did you go anyway?”

“I just check on umma’s flower plant. Do you want to go there? You can see different types of flowers.”

“Chincha? That would be nice! I want to go there!” Neva clasps her hands and smile at him cutely. That smile that always makes him be stun for a while.

Kibum covers her mouth. “Ya!” She keeps on babbling as she spanks Kibum’s hands. “Ya! Why are you covering my mouth Bummie?!” She said as she finally unleashes his hands.

“Pimil!” He sits beside her.

An idea flashes in her mind. “Tskkk, come closer Bummie.” She is used to call him Bummie now. She knows that she does not like it when call him Bummie.


“I have something to whisper.”

When Kibum follows her, she covers his face with both of her hands. Kibum holds her hands and uncover his face.

“Ya, you got me there!” Kibum smiles widely.

“I just want to revenge you.” She chuckles.


Kibum and Neva look at the door. They see Mrs. Park smiling at them. Neva remembers that her hands are being held by Kibum. She quickly gets it and looks away from Mrs. Park.

“You want a snack or you will continue your sweet moments there?” Mrs. Park teases them with a wink.

Neva blushes upon hearing it. “Ahjumma, we were just teasing each other.” Neva tries to explain.

“Dwaesseo! I really don’t mind. Hehehe.” Mrs. Park shrugs her shoulder before leaving.

They remain silent even if they are the only one inside the room.

“Let’s go?” Kibum breaks the silence. He lends a hand to her as he stands.

Neva looks at his hand. “K-Kure.” She holds to his hand.

Hand in hand, they walk towards outside.

Am I doing the right thing? Should I really trust him? I am supposed to be here to heal the wound, but it seems that it is already healed a long time ago. Why? Is it because of him? Urgh… I need answer.


Nothing but sweetness can remain when hearts are full of their own sweetness.

-            William Butler Yeats -

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