1: Unrest in Cradle

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(Happy October everyone! I took a short break to finish reading Luka's route, and do some more research on how I'm going to approach this fanfiction! If you're a fan of Luka Clemence, I'm sure you'll enjoy all that I have planned for our MC and our cute little introvert! ^.^
Also, I've noticed that Seth's story, although a bit drawn out due to my long prep time inbetween, is still going strong as quite the hit. I am very happy you readers have enjoyed! It was definitely my toughest story to write, so far hehe.

Now, for Luka's first chapter! )

The only thing that could have possibly made me feel any more uneasy at that very moment was an even deeper drop in temperature.

And as if I had the convenient luck of a saint, a sudden cool breeze blew past me, cutting through my winter coat and layered dress underneath to send a deep chill right into my bones.

I shivered as I sat at the vast, luxuriously ornate table. My seat was situated about four down from the King of Spades, Ray Blackwell. Beside him sat Sirius Oswald, the Queen of the army, and next to him was the next in command in terms of importance, Luka Clemence. His position was Jack. I sat beside him on his left side.

I had to admit. For being one of the smaller men at the table, Luka was radiating heat like a high powered furnace. Without realising, I leant closer to him for warmth.

This past week had been a confusing blur of events that I had never dreamed I would experience. I followed a man that looked uncannily like a rabbit into a park in London where I lived. When I did so, I tripped and fell into a hole, landing in this fairy tale like world called Cradle.

Here, I met the Black Army, including the King named Ray, and his generals who all explained to me that this hole I had fallen into only opened for a certain small amount of time at the stroke of midnight on the first of each month. In lieu of that, I was stuck in this world until the month was up.

As well, I also got into some trouble with their rivals, the Red Army. In attempting my escape when I happened upon their territory, I discovered I had Magic powers, and was able to summon a Magic barrier that would protect me from harm.

Fast forward to today: I had spent the rest of my time learning to live a relatively carefree life with the Black Army. But it ended this morning when a meeting was called by the Reds. The discussion was on how to proceed with me in Cradle, since currently my powers put the Black Army at an advantage that the Red Army didn't like.

"Since Kelly happened upon Black Territory first, it is only right she remains with us, but as a neutral party only." Ray's firm voice broke through the tense silence that loomed over the entire table. He was directly speaking to Lancelot, the King of Hearts who sat across the table from him.

The Red King had a cold, meek expression on his face. He didn't seem like he cared too much to be here, despite being the one who called the meeting in the first place.

"It's clear she has an advantage that could overshadow the Red Army should a dire situation arise. She should be taken to a neutral third party resthouse until the month is completed."

Lancelot sighed and rested his cheek against his hand in a seemingly bored gesture.

"We are on the brink of civil war, Ray. You're territory won't be neutral much longer."

I could tell Ray wasn't happy. He scoffed in response.

"It doesn't sound like this meeting is to discuss a peaceful solution, like you mentioned in your letter."

Ray then stood up from the table.

"If this was just an excuse to start a war, you're not fooling me with your petty tricks, Lancelot."

Possession: A Luka Clemence X MC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now