Why.. Why..

I look at the cake again and I realized that there's a folded paper beside it.. and our ring..

I pick it up and unfold it. It's her handwritten..

"Hello Yeobo~

Last, last last year. The day when we got married. I'm so happy back then. I'm so thankful that I'm going to marry a guy like you, not because you are an idol but because you captured my heart.

At first, I want to give up for fighting my love for you, but my conscience told me to don't give up. So I did.

It's been a months since you loved me back then, I'm so thankful with that though.

Every moment we had, every second we take, It's already treasured in my heart and in my mind. And I don't have any intentions to erase it.

And the year passed, many trials we'd have been through, but luckily we solved it with TRUST with each other.

Many things happened to me, to you, and to us. The moment that I got a coma, the moment when Kookie has a feeling for me, the moment when we both arguing, the moment when we trapped in our trip, the moment when we are always watching movies with Oppa's, the moment when we exchange 'I love you's'. Everything! It's still in my heart and in my mind and it won't ever erased.

I'm so thankful that I'd married a guy like you. A guy who always make me alive everyday. A guy who always takes care of me. A guy who always makes me blush. A guy who always makes me smile. A guy who always annoyed to me. A guy who always makes me fall in love everyday. A guy who taught me how to love. A guy who I was confused to, what is love? And HE's the reason why I knew the meaning love. And HE's the reason why I smile everyday and makes my day completed.

After 3 years, we are already engaged. Too fast you know? You proposed to me when our anniversary was. I'm so happy on that day. It's so UNEXPECTED. Really.

Many months had passed and your best friend is back. She's JaeYeon, right? We are always arguing because of her. No. I didn't blame her. No. I'm not.

JaeYeon. because of her you were always lack of time for me. You've always choose to spent your time with her than to me. Yes, I'm jealous because I'm your fiancee. I have rights.

But, she's always scaring me. She's always hurting me not mentally or emotionally but physically. She's always giving me bruises. She said that if I tell you that she's the one who made it (my bruises) she's going to do something bad against you and my Oppa's. I'm so scared because I don't want you guys to put in a trouble. And all I can do is to shut my mouth up.

It's been a month since we are not talking too much. I'm pregnant. Yes, that's true. I'm really am. I'm 3 months pregnant but, when I'm going to say it to you, you were always refusing it. Always saying that You are tired. You didn't own this child. I don't know how to tell you this. And when the days were approaching and JaeYeon already knew about my pregnancy, she stab my stomach and cause that our baby died. Our soon-to-be-daughter or son died. I'm so hopeless. I don't know what to do. I'm so sick. I don't know how to say it to you, and now this is the only way to open it up to you.

Only Jungkook and Suga Oppa can understand me. That I didn't even s*x with another guy. But, why.. why you're not believing on me? Why do you kept believing to lies?

JaeYeon. She's the reason why Suga Oppa's Jagiya and Suga Oppa broke up. She's the reason too of broke up between Jungkook and Coleen. I hope that she's not the reason why'd you are tired of loving me. I hope so.

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