A smile creeping to my lips unconsciously. "How much I wished that I can see your face right now," I sighed. I tried to cupped her cheek and brushing it gently. She hold my hand again, but this time, her head is getting lowered.

"I am sorry, if it wasn't because of me, you wouldn't have been in this situation," she said. Her voice sounds apologetic and the air surrounds her change. I feel a cold drops on my hand. "You won't be targeted and you won't in such a bad state."

'Is she crying?' I panicked again. "Hana, are you crying?" She brushed my hand off her hand. She doesn't sniffles nor sobbing. "Hana, please don't blame yourself. I did what I did because I wanted to. It is my choice for staying there and fight for you, even protecting you as much as I could," I said, trying to comfort her. 'Goodness, I am bad at this.'

I tried to reach her hand again and manage to found it. Her hand is moving, like swiping her tears. My heart clenched when I know she's still crying. I released my grip and opened my arms to her. "Hana," I called her, "come here," I said, referring to her to be in my embrace. There's a short silent before she stuttered in question. "I can't erased you tears since I can't see you now, so please come to my embrace and let me comfort you," I explained. 'I can't stand to not being able to comfort her just because I lost my sight at the moment.'

She stayed still in her place before her movement can be felt on the bed. She slowly coming to my embrace and I noticed that she tried to avoid my injuries as much as she could. I enveloped her figures. "Umm, isn't it hurt? Isn't your body aching or something?" Her concerned voice fillling up my ears. I caressed her head.

"You're not worsening any pain. Besides, you shouldn't have worried about that," I kissed her head, "don't worry about my condition. You were hurt to, weren't you? How about you? How's your injuries?" I caressed her hair that I noticed is not braided like usual. She let it loose.

"I woke up earlier than you, so I am fine now. It's only that my leg is still under recovery so I need to walk with cane, other than that I'm fine." I can imagined her smiling right now as she said those words.

"Your leg? Are you okay now? Is it hurt if you stayed in this position?" I am ready to let her go. 'If it's hurting her, then it's bad. I should let go if that's the case.'

"It's alright. My leg is still hanging on the air, untouched. Besides I missed being embraced with you," her tone of voice sounds like she is enjoying herself.

I sighed in relief and continued to caressing her hair and hugging her. Pestering her with kisses on her face. 'Really she is the only one that can make me like this.'

"Hana, what time is it now?"

"It's midnight, why?"

"Shouldn't you be in your room now?"



"I can eat by myself," I said, rejecting her offer.

"No, you're not. You will listened to me right now because I'll babysitting you until your eyes recovered. Now say ah~"

I sighed in defeat and obeyed her words. I hold by embarrassment and eat the meal silently.

"Ara~ I can't quite believed my eyes right now, seeing the always serious Tomioka-san is being fed, it is truly amusing," the voice of the devil cooed in the room.

"Morning, Shinobu. Don't teased him like that, I'm doing this because he can't see his own meal," Hanabi said.

"Hahaha, I see. And why are you even here? Last time I checked, this is not your room," Kochou said with dark tones. I can imagined her dark smile is present right now.

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