I let out a breathe and Corina came over and hugged me. "No matter what, you'll be okay" she reassured.

"I know, thank you"

I looked at the time and the three minutes were up. I flipped over all the tests and they all had the same results.


I was completely numb.. I know this should be an exciting thing, but I'm not ready for another baby right now.

I don't know if Parker is ready. Kinsley is still so young! She'll only by a little over one when the baby comes! This isn't how it was supposed to go!

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I fell apart in her arms and just let everything out.

After a couple minutes she pulled back and looked at me. She wiped my tears away and kept a firm hold on me.

"Leah listen to me. You are going to be okay. This isn't like the first time. You have a committed and loving husband who you know is a good dad, heck look at him with Kinsley!" She said laughing at the end.

"But it's so soon!" I reasoned.

"Maybe.. maybe not. God works in mysterious ways honey. All you need to know is it's gonna be okay, and Justin and I will be here for you" she smiled.

I just nodded and cleaned up my face. I put the tests into my purse and we left the store. We stopped and got a smoothie on the way back home.

I dropped her off and promised to call her later and let her know how everything is going. I made it home and parked in the garage.

I took a deep breathe and got out and went inside the house. I can do this.. he's not Trevor.

This is Parker. My loving husband. A great father to Kinsley. Everything is going to be okay.

I walked in further and set my keys down on the table. I looked around the house and found Parker in our room reading a book.

"So what you're a nerd now?" I said trying to make a joke.

"Nah, nerds don't get the girls" he winked.

He set the book down and walked over to me engulfing me in his arms. I hadn't realized how much I needed a hug from him until that moment.

He pulled back and noticed the sour look on my face. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Parker there's something I need to tell you" I said pulling him over to the bed and making him sit down.

"What is it?" He asked extremely confused.

I took a deep breathe and unzipped my purse. I pulled out the three pregnancy tests and handed them to him.

He took them and looked at my face then them.

"I'm pregnant Parker" I said after a few seconds.

He didn't say anything. He jus sat there and looked at the tests. I didn't know what he was feeling.

"Parker?" I put my hand on his arm and he shrugged it off which confused me.

"Hey?" I said trying to touch his arm again.

He threw the tests on the bed and stood up and walked out of the room. I ran after him.

"Parker! Parker! Hey, stop!!" I screeched pulling his arm and making him stop.

When he looked at me there were no emotions in his eyes. "What Leah? Just.. fuck off" he seethed.

With that he took his keys and left. After I heard the door slam and saw him pull out of the driveway I lost it.

I crumbled to the floor and bawled my eyes out. Why was he acting like this? Does he think I'm a whore too?

What if he regrets everything? What if he leaves us?

I got up off of the floor and ran to my room. I took out my duffle bag and filled it with clothes and shoes. I then got a smaller bag and put my shampoos, face wash and lotion, toothbrush and toothpaste into it.

I ran into Kinsley's room and packed her bag too. I took all of our bags and put them in my car. I started it to get it warm.

I went back to get Kinsley and we left. I drove over to the one place I knew i could go. My brothers.

We got there ten minutes later and I grabbed everything plus Kinsley and knocked on their door.

Justin opened up and saw me.

"Leah, what's wrong?" He asked concerned.

"I-I think Parker just left me" I sobbed.

He pulled me in and embraced me as I sobbed in his arms.

"Babe who was at the door?" I heard Corina.

"Leah!?" She ran over and took all of my bags and Kinsley as I fell apart in my brother's arms.


I spent the rest of the night in the guest room sitting on the bed numb. I tried calling and texting Parker so many times but he won't talk to me.

Corina and Justin have tried to get me to eat or talk to them but the only person I want right now.. doesn't even want me anymore.


End of chapter 27!

Hope you enjoyed!

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