Bold and Beautiful..

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After having breakfast Maya and Rajesh head off to work. Rajeev is also getting ready to leave for shooting, whereas Raina is thinking what she would do whole day. Even, Rajeev is so upset to leave her alone at home, but he has tight work deadlines because of which he has to go for the shoot. Soon, an idea pops up in his mind and he says,

"Raina, why don't you come with me for shooting ?"

"What! what will I do there?" she replies hesitantly.

"You can enjoy watching the shoot, you can meet my co-stars and most importantly you will not be away from me"

She smiles and says, "Will they allow me to be there on the set ?"

He comes close to her, cups her face with his right hand and says, "Who can dare to stop you? Raina, you're not just my fan anymore, you are my wife now.."

She thinks about old days when it was hard to get even a glimpse of him, and today he himself is taking her with him for his shooting. She feels so special.

She smiles and says, "I'll just get ready."

He nods with a smile and continues to stare into her eyes.

She says with a smirk, "Rajeev, How will I change if you'll keep looking at me like this.."

He closes his eyes embarrassingly and says, "I'll wait for you downstairs, come fast."


She is looking simple but graceful in her white top with shrug. She is wearing no jewelry except white hoop earrings. There is no sign of makeup on her face but her radiant smile and a sparkle in her captivating eyes is enough to fascinate him.

 There is no sign of makeup on her face but her radiant smile and a sparkle in her captivating eyes is enough to fascinate him

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 As she comes downstairs, he stares at her in awe.

 As she comes downstairs, he stares at her in awe

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She comes close to him and says, "Shall we go ?"

He replies with a nod without shifting his gaze from her face.

She smiles and walks out, he follows her and they settle in the car.

His right hand is at steering wheel and his left hand is at her hand which he leaves only when he has to change gears.

Soon, they reach the studio. Raina is so excited as this is her first experience of watching any live shooting. As they walk inside, many people greet Rajeev, they do not recognize Raina as his wife, but since she is with him, they greet her also.  There is hustle and bustle all around. Crew members including technicians, camera operators, assistant directors, everyone is engrossed in their stuff. Rajeev asks her to walk around and he excuses himself to make-up room to get ready for the shot.

She strolls around the studio by herself, she is looking at everything in wonder and astonishment. She is walking carefree until she hears some sound which alarms her and causes her to stop in her tracks.

"Cut, cut"

She sees a man coming towards her, she gets frightened as he looks furious, she does not know what she has done wrong.

"What do you think you are doing in middle of the shot ? By the way who are you ? Arif, from where you get these novice extras ? Mahesh (Director) fires questions to her, he also scolds his assistant director Arif as he thinks Raina has come as an extra for a scene.

She realizes then that she has come in the camera frame in middle of a shot, she apologizes,

"I am extremely sorry, I didn't realize.."

He cuts her off and says rudely, "Will you please move now ?"

 "Wait a minute, what is happening here ?" Rajeev approaches them.

Mahesh replies, "Nothing Rajeev, this girl...."

"This girl is my wife.." says Rajeev not allowing him to complete.

He gets surprised, he looks at her and then at Rajeev and then again looks at her and says,

"I am sorry mam.. why didn't you tell me ?"

She replies, "No, it was my mistake, I spoiled your shot, I am really sorry.."

He replies, "Not at all, you came to see the shooting right ? Please make yourself comfortable.."

Rajeev takes her to the sitting area from where she can watch the shoot.

She says in a very low tone, "I'm sorry Rajeev.."

"Sorry ? Why ?" He asks surprised.

"I embarrassed you" She replies in shaky voice.

He smiles and says, "Don't worry, I don't get embarrassed that easily.. "

And then, there comes a crew member to call Rajeev as his shot is ready.

He asks her, "How about you Raina, how easily you get embarrassed?"

She gets confused and replies, "I don't know.."

"Let me see" he replies with a smirk and comes close to her.

He wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her with a jerk. The seductive fragrance of his perfume is appealing and attracting her but when she sees people looking at them and smiling, she comes out of her trance and says, "Rajeev, what are you doing, everyone is looking at us.."

He whispers in her ear in hushed tone, "Do you think, I care ?"

He continues in same husky voice, "Kiss me Raina"

She sees him with utter shock, she can't believe what he just said, she doesn't understand why is he doing this. She says, "What! Have you gone mad ?"

He insists, "Please.."

She says, "Rajeev, look, this is not a joke, please leave me"

"Even I am very serious Raina, just look at me and forget about everyone around. You love me right.. you always loved you remember those times when you wanted to see me, touch me but I was away from you..but now I am here..near your embrace..want to be loved by you..want to be kissed by you.."

And in that one moment she forgets about everyone around, what she could see is just his eyes filled with love for her, demanding something from her and she does not have heart to refuse it.

She cups his face with her hands, he closes his eyes and soon he feels her lips on his lips. He opens his eyes and looks into her eyes which are gleaming.

He smiles and says, "It was lovely."

She lowers her eyes.

He says in her ear, "by the way I was not expecting it on the lips.."

She looks at him with her eyes wide open.

He winks at her and leaves for the shot.

She stands there surprised with a shy smile.

Author's note-

Dear Readers,

I have a question for you, why do you think Rajeev asked Raina to kiss her in front of everyone ? I would love to read your answers in comments!

I want to thank you for taking time to read my story. Your votes and comments inspire me to write further as they are the only medium which let me know what you liked and what you didn't like in the story. Please keep reading, voting and commenting. Love you all! 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2019 ⏰

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