The Dream..

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Next morning, Rajeev's bedroom..

Alarm clock is continuously buzzing when Rajeev is in deep sleep and suddenly, he wakes up with a jerk. He is trying to figure out what sound it is which disturbed his sleep, and then he sees the alarm clock, he immediately grabs it and turns it off. He realizes he has got late today for his morning jog, it is 5:30 am. Everyday he wakes up at 5 am without fail with help of his internal body clock, he keeps this alarm clock just for backup in case if sleep overpowers the body rhythm like it happened today. He goes to washroom and washes his face with cold water and then he recalls something, it's a dream he saw that night.

He mutters to himself, "No, this is not possible, no way.."

Now he understands why he is feeling drowsy, he could not sleep properly last night as he was dreaming more. But, he is surprised, why he was dreaming about her ? 

(Yes, it was none other than an ordinary girl whom he met a day before, "his best fan", Raina)

"People say, dream is nothing but the playback of our thoughts or inner desires. Is this really true?" He asks himself. "No no, not possible, dreams are completely random, they have no meaning for sure", he answers to his own query.

Convincing this to himself he manages to shut his brain off and after getting dressed in his track suit he heads off for jogging.

He is running when again memories of his dream starts flashing in his mind and he stops abruptly. He thinks of sitting on a half wall nearby, he is breathing heavily, soon his breathing rate slows down and comes back to normal but his mind is still running the vivid memories of his last night dream. Closing his eyes, he starts witnessing those memories-

"It's a beautiful sunrise, she is spinning with her arms open in a lush green field. She is facing towards the sun and embracing the golden rays which are falling on her feather soft skin. Her face is glowing with purity of her soul and eyes are sparkling with her innocence. Her waist length hair are blowing with soft and cold morning breeze. She is the most beautiful and precious creature on this planet. 

He is enjoying this view standing far from her when he sees her gesturing him to join her

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

He is enjoying this view standing far from her when he sees her gesturing him to join her. First he shakes his head but after seeing her angry look, he smiles and goes near to her, her focus shifts from the nature to his eyes now. As if she is trying to communicate something from her eyes to his eyes, he smiles as if he understands what those deep eyes are trying to convey and moves more closer to her, now he can hear the sound of her heartbeat which is like a soothing music for him, he closes his eyes and enjoys this moment wholeheartedly. She takes his right hand in her left hand and his left hand in her right hand which makes him open his eyes, she intertwines her fingers with his and bends backward with her face up, her hair are falling and few inches away from touching the ground, her eyes are closed, she has a broad smile on her face as she is completely lost in this blissful moment. He keeps his hold tight on her hands to secure her from falling and then he pulls her close to him, she opens her eyes and gestures, "What?" as if he interrupted her in the best thing she was enjoying. 

He smiles at her innocence and cuteness, and lifts her up in his arms and says,  "let's go home", she gives angry look to him and hits his chest with her hand playfully, she is looking even more prettier with her puffed cheeks in anger, she keeps hitting him and he keeps smiling and laughing"

He opens his eyes, a smile creeps on his face and it does not vanish for few moments as if he is still living in the dream.


Rajeev's film shooting scene..

Director narrating scene to Rajeev, "The girl whom you wanted to marry is married to your friend, and now you go to their house and confront her, why she did all this, why she betrayed your trust? You have to show your anger and sorrow to her" Saying this he gives him the copy of the script having dialogues for the scene.

After a while, he asks, "Rajeev ready?" Rajeev nods his head.

The shot is ready, camera rolling and director signals, "Action!"

Rajeev and film heroine are facing each other and Rajeev delivers his dialogues with a perfect expression of anger and sadness as is the requirement of scene.

Now it's the turn of heroine, she is saying her dialogues. The scene is perfectly going on and director is pleased with this take and then suddenly, a smile creeps on Rajeev's face which not at all fits with the scene.

Director says, "Cut! Cut!"

Rajeev surprisingly asks, "Anything went wrong?"

"What's wrong with you Rajeev, why you smiled? It was not required in this scene", Director replies.

Rajeev himself is surprised, how can he smile unnecessarily during the shot, he realizes, he was just physically present there, his mind is still not with him, it is still clung to his last night dream, to her memories, to her cute and innocent face, to her beautiful eyes and the most to her intoxicating smile. He realizes, how much he is aching to live that dream in real, but in the very next moment, he convinces himself that it's just a dream whose effect will vanish soon. There is nothing to worry about or even think about, he decides to ignore and forget all this and tries to focus on the shot.


Author's note-

Hello Readers, I thank you for reading my story, Please vote if you like it, also I would love to hear your reviews in comments. Thanks once again!

An unusual love storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن