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Same day, evening, Rajeev's friend Karan's house

Karan laughs wildly and mocks Rajeev saying, "I can't believe it bro.. she just said No to you and left..and what you were telling she won some contest just to meet you", he continues laughing and says, "Man! now you will understand the pain of rejection, I salute to that girl, what name you told of that girl... Raina.. right? Hats off to Miss Raina.. Hope you would not have shared this incident with anyone else.. or it will become breaking news, 'Hot and charming Actor Rajeev slammed by his own fan'" and he continues laughing.

 or it will become breaking news, 'Hot and charming Actor Rajeev slammed by his own fan'" and he continues laughing

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Rajeev smiles, lets his friend enjoy making fun of him and then says, "Will you stop now please?"

"Sorry dude, but this is really funny" Karan replies, somehow manages to control himself from laughing and continues, "Okay what's on your mind now?"

"I don't know Karan, I really don't know..but this girl is driving me crazy, I feel twisted up from inside and ready to do all stupid things which I used to believe ridiculous when I saw other boys doing for girls. There is certainly something magical about her, I feel a magnetic pull towards her, she mesmerizes me and piques my interest in ways which I don't understand.. 

She says she doesn't want to meet me ever but then why I feel she is living just for me for ever. She rejects and refuses me but then why I feel she can't accept anyone else than me. It's not that I have not met beautiful women in my life but then why I feel I have not seen a girl more beautiful than her.

I can't even believe that someone can look so gorgeous and attractive being so simple....I am getting obsessed of her beauty in simplicity. When I see her, I feel the entire world is so simple, pure and straightforward like her. And her eyes..." he smiles and continues,

"I want to keep looking into those lovely eyes, I feel they talk to me  but at the same time they try to hide a lot from me.. but I want to hear all that from her mouth..and I can do anything for that moment when she will be ready to open her heart to me..I can wait my whole life for that moment if she wants. And when she smiles, I feel soothed, relaxed and contented, I feel I have achieved what I was yearning for years, I feel this is what for I can sacrifice even my breath if it needs..

but one thing i don't like about her.. her tears.. they tear my heart out.. and I can do anything to stop them flowing from her eyes.. today when she was crying I felt so helpless, I wanted to wipe her tears away but I couldn't, I don't know why but I am so very angry on me for that" and a lone tear flows down his cheek..

Karan is surprised to hear all this from his friend, he has never seen him so serious for any girl though many girls approach him for his undeniable charm not only after he became actor, but he has magnetic personality since the college time which was the matter of envy not only for Karan but for all his batchmates, but today he sees his friend longing and aching for a girl. His genuine feelings for her are so evident in his eyes. 

He smiles and says, "Rajeev, my friend, you are in love..."

Rajeev looks surprisingly towards him as if he himself is not aware about this fact and then he nods his head, smiles contentedly, closes his eyes, sighs heavily and says, "I think I've started loving her" he opens his eyes and confesses with passion, "Yes, I'm really in love with can't be anything else but love.. just love.. I love Raina.. I just love her.. "


Author's note-

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