A battle won..

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Rajeev's house...

Rajeev calls his parents and asks them to come home immediately, when they ask the reason, he just tells that it's urgent and he can't talk about it over phone. Rajeev's mom is an interior  designer and runs a small firm. His father takes care of their family business. Both leave immediately from their work and head off to the home after receiving his call.

They are sitting together, his parents are looking forward to him to tell what it is for which he called them urgently. But Rajeev is nervous and speechless, he doesn't know from where to start, he licks his lower lip, tapping his foot on the ground. His parents notice anxiety on his face and actions and are really worried now.

His Mom says, "What's wrong Rajeev, please say something before I get heart attack, please open your mouth"

Rajeev with very difficulty starts speaking, "Ma..Papa.. I..I like a girl.."

His parents look at each other, his words bring a smile on their faces and they are so relieved now.

His Mom replies excitedly, "Why are you telling this good news in such a terrible manner? I am so happy that finally you found your girl..I hope you are serious about her and want to marry her.. tell me who is she? let me guess.. Natasha right?"

Rajeev feels disappointed hearing Natasha's name from her mother's mouth. He knows somewhere in heart that his mother always liked the pair of Rajeev and Natasha. Their onscreen pair is liked by everyone and many wish that this onscreen pair will soon turn into an off screen pair as well. Moreover his mother always wanted her daughter-in-law to be from high class background, She has always been interested in the marriage proposals for Rajeev from a super model, fashion designer, singer. She has mentioned it number of times that the girl whom they will choose for Rajeev should have unmatchable beauty and qualities. She should be the best at her profession and should compliment Rajeev's public image and profession well.

Being aware of his mom's expectations, he speaks hesitantly, "No ma..it's not Natasha. Her name is Raina."

His mom replies in a confused tone,"Raina.. I never heard this name.. for sure she is not from your industry.. is she a newbie to film industry"

He replies in a clear and confident tone, "No ma, she is not from showbiz. She works in an ad company as an accountant. She comes from a very ordinary family background. But believe me she is extraordinary, she is so innocent and pure, she is different from other girls, Ma I'm sure when you will meet her you will definitely like her"

Anger and disappointment is evident on his mom's face, she asks, "Where did you meet this girl?"

He replies with the same confident tone, "I met her 4 months back.. she won "the best fan contest" and came to meet me in studio. I think I fell for her the same day but realised it little late" he says romantically remembering their first meeting..

His mom is surprised to know that her son loves an ordinary fan of his and wants to marry her. She says in a furious tone, "Enough Rajeev.. do you know what are you talking about.. how could you think even for a second that this is possible..I will never let you marry that girl, I'll never accept this marriage..Have you ever thought that girl from a completely different background from ours, how will she adjust in our society, how will she understand you and your professional life. She has just seen you on TV, she doesn't know you..she doesn't know real Rajeev, do you think who is completely unaware of our lifestyle, your lifestyle, will ever be able to adjust with it.."

Rajeev replies softly, looking straight into her eyes, "I'll help her to adjust and I know that she quickly will."

His mom gets more angry with his reply, "You know what.. your love has made you lose your senses.."

He gets little frustrated now and replies, "Yes ma..I love her..and I don't care if I lose my senses or myself in her love..I just know that I love her and want her to be mine..I called you both urgently because tomorrow her mom has called a boy's family to meet her, she wants her to get married to that boy. And believe me.. if she will get married to anyone else, I won't marry ever. I promise you Ma either she or no one."

Saying this he left from there leaving his mom shouting and calling out his name.

His father who was listening to this conversation silently keeps his hand on hers to make her calm. She looks at him out of surprise that why he didn't react to this and scolded his son. She says, "You saw him.. you saw how he is behaving.. Please go and make him understand and stop him from what he is planning to do.."

His father holds her hands and says, "Look here, look at me" she does, he continues, "He is in love like we were in love with each other once.

When we didn't stop ourselves from loving each other, marrying each other, why should we stop our son?"

She replies, "Please don't compare our situation with this.. you know we both were from same class. Our families had equal status in society. I am not against his love marriage, in fact I was waiting for the moment when he would find his love.. but I never expected him to be so stupid"

He replies, "Please calm down and try to empathise with our son..he is in love and love doesn't know any barrier or limitation, it is beyond any class or color differences."

She tries to protest, "But.." he interrupts, "You know what we need to trust our son, He is a mature and a responsible man, I know if he has decided to marry her, he is very much sure and confident about it and not going to change his decision, so let's get along with him in his decision and happiness."

Finally, his father succeeds in convincing his mom and they both go to Rajeev's room where he is sitting anxious and tense, when they tell him that they support his decision, he hugs them together happily, he feels like a battle won but another waiting for him on the way..of course convincing Raina won't be less than a battle.


Author's note-

Hello Readers, I thank you for reading my story, Please vote if you like it, also I would love to hear your reviews in comments. Thanks once again!

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