A ray of hope..

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Raina is sitting on the floor leaning her back against the bed, tears don't stop flowing from her eyes. She skips her office also today. Sameera is walking in front of her from one corner to the other. She is so angry on Raina, "I can't understand how could you do this... I know how much you love him..I have seen him crying for your love.. then why.. why did you ruin everything?  Have you lost your senses or you enjoy playing with your life? What's wrong with you?"

Raina remains silent for a while but when Sameera keeps on asking her the same question, she gets up and shows her the newspaper, saying, "Look at it"

Sameera doesn't get what Raina is trying to prove to her as it was just a picture of Rajeev and Natasha of last night party. Raina reads out few lines from that article,

"The hottie who made women all over the country stick to their TV screens is back with his new film. Rajeev is one of the most powerful and popular faces on small and big screen both and still can stir up hidden emotions in a woman. And we are not talking about his on screen avatar, as even a single conversation with him in real life is enough to impress us! When brain and brawn get together, it's a lethal combo. Rajeev is the epitome of manlihood and soothes the eye whenever he comes on the screen. Cushy college romance can take a break and some mature love story with this man can overtake our quest for love!  His brooding personality and deep eyes can leave you dazed. When you have a man as mysterious as Rajeev, you sure want to spend the rest of your life trying to figure out who your man really isAsk any woman what they love in a man and it will surely be there in Rajeev. He is a heartthrob for millions of girls in the country but he was never linked with any of his co actors, it is almost impossible to have such a clear image in this industry.  It's difficult to say what type of girl he dreams of to be his life partner. For sure, she would be special as this man really deserve the one who matches his attractive and exceptional personality." 

Sameera now gets what Raina is trying to convey to her, she tries to make her understand,

"Raina what's the problem here.. yes, every word of this article is true, he has an impressive personality.. and you are that special one whom he has chosen..whom he loves.. you should be proud of this fact not tense about it. You should be dancing with happiness at this moment but unfortunately what you have done today has left you with nothing but crying.."

Raina replies, "It's not that simple Sameera, that he loves me and I love him and we'll get married and will live happily ever after. He is a public figure. When he will get married, people will want to know about his wife and what they will get to know that it's just an ordinary girl with ordinary looks from an ordinary background."

Sameera says, "Does it really matter what people would say?"

Raina replies in a firm tone, "His public image matters to me, I always want him to look the best, to have the best.. "

Sameera tries further to convince her but no luck, Rains stops her saying, "Enough Sameera, anyway he is gone..he has accepted that I don't love him and we can never be together. I'm sure he will forget me soon and will move on in his life"

Sameera with uttermost disappintment says, "And what about you? Will you be able to move on?"

Raina replies with a sarcastic smile, "Of course yar, life doesn't stop for anyone, Before meeting him this thought never crossed my mind that one day he would propose me, I would live rest of my life believing that I never met him" and again new tears start flowing down from her eyes.


Days passed.. Not able to forget each other even for a moment they did not contact each other respecting each other's decision. But their lives are completely changed.. they have completely changed. They go for the work, come back, eat and sleep, living their lives as an obligation. It seems it's been ages they have laughed from their hearts. 

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