Officially together..

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She is standing baffled when Sameera comes inside the room and hugs her, she is not able to respond as she is totally flabbergasted that he is there in her home with his parents for their marriage proposal, she asks her to reconfirm pointing her finger towards the hall, "Are his parents there ?" Sameera happily nods her head. She asks again, "You knew it.. you knew that Rajeev is all knew it.. right?"

Sameera nods and says, "We'll talk about this later, first you come outside, they are waiting for you for so long..come.." She drags her but Raina doesn't move and says, "one minute.." and she moves towards the dresser..cleans her face with some tissues as her face is still wet with her tears, and takes out the makeup box set, Sameera immediately moves to help her. When she is done she takes a deep breath to calm her nerves and makes her way to the hall. She can hear the faint buzz of laughter and conversation coming from the hall which becomes more clear when she reaches there. 

And there lies a sudden silence when everyone's glance falls at her. She comes near his parents and bends down to touch their feet. Rajeev's mom immediately makes her get up and asks her to sit beside her. Rajeev and his mom exchange glances giving him a hint that she likes her. She says to Raina's mom, 

"Your daughter is very cute.."

This statement of hers makes Rajeev's lips curve in a victorious smile.

His parents talk to Raina about her job, her hobbies and various things. Where everyone is talking, eating and laughing, Rajeev's eyes are fixed at her face, her dark eyes with kajal at lower lashline, her lips with light pink lip color, her innocent smile when she is talking to his parents, the sparkling locket around her neck which he gifted to her. And the fact that she has done all this for him and is now sitting with his parents makes his heart flutter.

She can feel his stare which is making her more nervous. The way she is seeing him from the corner of her eye and rubbing her hands together, he gets to understand that he is making her uncomfortable with his constant gaze at her, he takes his eyes off her for few moments but can't help from looking at her again.

His mom says to Raina's mom, "We like your daughter very much and we want to make her our daughter in law soon.."

To hear this everyone is so happy but Rajeev's father interrupts, "one minute.." He looks towards Raina lovingly and asks, "Raina..dear.. do you like our son? Would you like to marry him?"

Everyone is looking towards her with so much of hope eagerly waiting for her reply. Rajeev's heart is beating faster thinking what if she would say no. He licks his lower lip out of anxiety, he looks into her eyes conveying pleadingly, "Please..please say yes.." 

And her reply announces his triumph. He never felt so contented and delighted before. A sparkle in his eyes and his beaming smile are reflecting how much elated he is with her reply which is an  "Yes". 

Yes, she agrees to marry him subsiding all her fear and worries. She notices that the smile on his face has got fixed and not vanishing. She feels so happy with the thought that she could make him happy. Not only him, but her reply makes everyone present there so happy and gratified.

Their parents decide to fix their wedding date, for which they call some pundit ji. When they all are eagerly looking at pundit ji who is immersed in the horoscopes and panchang, Rajeev and Raina are stealing glances at each other. Where Raina is feeling little conscious sharing an eye lock with him in the presence of their parents and friends, Rajeev doesn't care about anyone's presence. But something brings him back from his trance and he shouts with a jolt,

 "What! three months.."

Pundit ji repeats. "Yes, after three months, there is an auspicious time for the wedding.."

He says disappointed, "But, it's a long time. Is there no auspicious time before?"

Pundit ji replies, "There is. After two weeks.."

He happily says, "Ah..I think that is fine.."

Rajeev's mom is taken aback, "C'mon Rajeev, two weeks..after all we need some time to make all arrangements." She looks at Raina's mom and asks her, "What's your say?" Her mom says in an agreement, "Yes, you are right, even I need some time to make all preparations.."

Rajeev tries hard to convince his mother and mother-in-law and says, "Ma.. both don't worry about the arrangements, Leave everything to just call all relatives and friends whomsoever you want to invite, trust me I'll take care of everything else." Though they are little apprehensive about this haste, but they've had to agree with him as there is no other option they are left with.

Raina is surprised to see the desperate desire in his eyes of wanting her in his life. She thinks,

"The man whom I have been doing hero worship for 8 years, The man whom I have been loving  since the moment I felt the  deep sweetness of  love for the first time or even before I realised it. The man whom I met  after a wait of 8 years, that long and patient wait. The wait in which I was not even sure whether he will meet me as all his fans don't get chance to meet him no matter how much they love him. That long wait could end in absolutely nothing. But, no, I was fortunate, he met me, he liked me, he loves me and now wants to marry me without any wait as he feels 3 months is a long time..." 

When she comes back from her trance, she sees him looking at her. He raises his eyebrows asking, "What happened ?"

She shakes her head in no with a soft smile on her face assuring him everything is alright.

Rajeev's mom - "I think, we should take your leave now.." Her mom requests them to stay till lunch but his mom refuses politely, "Some other day please, as we both have to do a lot of work in very less time.." saying this she gives Rajeev an angry look which makes him lower his eyes and then raising them again pleading her to forgive him.

As his parents start moving, Raina bends down to touch their feet, but they immediately stop her and takes her in their embrace. They are chatting and walking to the door. Raina is walking slowly behind them. And then suddenly she feels his hand on her waist who pulls her sideways towards him and places a kiss on her cheek. It is so sudden that she could not help making a sound which gets attention of their parents who turn back immediately. Rajeev has already left her and swiftly walks and stands behinds them. Her heart beat is racing faster than ever. Her mouth becomes dry, she is still feeling the touch of his soft lips on her cheek. His scent has not left her and is making her insane. They ask her worriedly, "Raina, what happened dear..are you alright?" Sameera and Nirvan who witnessed everything try hard to suppress their laughter.

She swallows the lump formed in her throat, she replies with a wry smile, "Ya..absolutely!" She looks at him who is looking at her with a smirk, he holds his ear and mouths, "Sorry!" It makes her smile which in reflex makes him relaxed. He winks at her and they left.


Author's note-

Hello Readers, I want to thank you for taking time to read my story. Your votes and comments inspire me to write further as they are the only medium which let me know what you liked and what you didn't like in the story. Please keep reading, voting and commenting. Love you all! 

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