The feeling of being close

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Next day evening, Raina's Office...

Soumya calls Raina and asks her to come home early, she doesn't reason even though Raina asks but repeats to her to come early.

Soumya is Raina's elder sister, she was married to Nikhil 9 years back, but after 4 years of marriage, Nikhil left Soumya and their son Rihan for another woman. Then, she shifted back to her mom's place with her son. She teaches in the same school where Rihan studies, he is 8 years old now. She has learnt to deal with the blows given by her life and moved on. 

Raina reaches home, she hears the sound of laughter, she comes inside and sees him sitting with her family, she doesn't believe her eyes and thinks if she is daydreaming. Soumya comes close to her, calls her name loud, "Raina.." but even then she doesn't respond, she shakes her up and then Raina looks up to her surprised and confused. Soumya bursts into laughter but there is still no expression on Raina's face. Then he comes close to her, bends a little towards her, looks into her eyes and says with a smile, "Hi" 

Now, she takes a breath which was almost stopped at his first sight and says, "Rajeev.." He nods his head, she touches him with a finger as if she still doesn't believe he is really there.

Everyone is laughing except those two, she looks at them and feels annoyed, she runs into her room. Soumya motions Rajeev to go after her but he was not sure whether her mother would like him to go to her daughter's room, so he looks towards her as if he is asking for her permission, when she nods her head, he moves to her room.

The door was shut, he knocks but no response, he waits patiently and after few moments she opens the door and turns around averting his gaze. He steps inside and gets surprised to see that one wall of the room is completely decorated with his pictures including the one with her of their first meeting. He looks at her but she is looking in other direction, he says teasing her, "I can't believe that someone sees my pictures everyday, and when I am here, no one is interested to even look at me"

Hearing this she immediately looks towards him and says nervously, "I'm really sorry Rajeev but I was not expecting you here in my house"

He interrupts, "So, you don't like me being here, fine, I'll leave right away" and he almost turns around

She stops him, says, "Rajeev, please wait, I didn't mean that"

He smiles, makes an intense glance at her and says, "Then tell me what do you mean? I really want to know"

She gets nervous with his intense gaze, her heart starts pounding, her pulse is racing wildly, she is completely unaware about his feelings and fighting hard to hide her feelings. She mumbles something, "Rajeev I just want to say that..."

"Sorry" he says stepping forward to her and continues, "Sorry, I didn't hear you" he comes more close to her and says with a flirtatious smile, "Tell me Raina.. what do you want to say to me?"

She swallows the lump formed in her throat, licks her lower lip, looks here and there, trying her best not to look into his alluring eyes, but he is not going to leave her so easily today, he says, "Look at me Raina" she still has her eyes lowered...

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She swallows the lump formed in her throat, licks her lower lip, looks here and there, trying her best not to look into his alluring eyes, but he is not going to leave her so easily today, he says, "Look at me Raina" she still has her eyes lowered, he repeats and this time like a command, "look into my eyes"

"No, I need to go" she refuses and tries to move but before she moves even an inch, he wraps his arm around her waist pulling her towards him which makes her look into his eyes, her hand automatically comes on his chest for support, she is completely dazed by this move of him, she is mesmerized by the stare of his compelling eyes. The seductive smell of his perfume and the feel of his warm breath hypnotizes her. His eyes are not leaving hers for an instant. She feels captivated by his intense gaze at her.

 He can feel her racing heartbeat with the mere touch of him. He is loving this moment when she is so close to his heart, he feels his heart is thanking him for giving it what it was craving for, the comfort of her touch. He wishes time stops here and they never have to move away from each other's embrace. He feels a strong urge to touch her cheeks which have become red with his closeness to her but somehow he stops himself from doing it. His eyes are gleaming by seeing his effect on her, her expressions are truly mirroring her affection for him, he feels contented to see that she feels the same way for him as he feels for her and his lips curve in a victorious smile.

She feels so weak in this moment realizing that her emotions are exposed which she was trying so hard to hide, the wall which she built in her head to stay away from him so that he does not get hint of her feelings seems to smash into pieces. She hates herself for her stupid, crazy heart, she believes after knowing that she loves him, he will mock her like everybody else does, he will think that she is a ridiculously insane fan of him who can do all crazy things for her obsession. No, this is not acceptable to her, she chooses her self esteem over her love and she says in a meek voice, "Rajeev, please leave me"

Being completely unaware about her anxiety and fear he replies with a smirk, "What if I won't?"

She doesn't like his dominance, he can't rule over her, she says in an agitated tone, "Rajeev, please"

He shakes his head in no.

She feels helpless but she can't give in so easily, she tries harder to remove his hand from her waist, doing that unknowingly she even scratches his skin with her sharp nails, he feels pain but he is loving that pain too, she admits her defeat in her head realizing that his grip is so firm and her efforts going in vain, a tear flows down her cheek which makes him leave her immediately. He takes a step back, he feels guilty of hurting her unknowingly, he says,

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were not liking me being close to you. I thought.." he stops as he runs out of words to express himself. "I never wanted to hurt you, believe me." he pleads.

to be continued.........

Author's note-

Hello Readers, I thank you for reading my story, Please vote if you like it, also I would love to hear your reviews in comments. Thanks once again!

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