A phone call..

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After a week..

Contrary to his belief, Rajeev is unable to forget the memories of his dream, rather, every night he sleeps wishing to see the same dream again, or at least a glimpse of her, though he does not confess this to himself to be true. His mind's reasonable thinking has succeeded so far to surpass his heart's meek wish to see her again. But now, it's becoming very difficult for him to deal with this meek wish or it has become a powerful desire that there is no other option than to fulfill it. So he follows his heart and decides to meet her.

He calls his manager and asks him to get Raina's contact number from channel team which organised the contest which she won. His manager is surprised why would Rajeev want contact number of an ordinary fan of his, but he doesn't have courage to ask him, as he knows Rajeev doesn't like people asking him questions which are none of their business. So, he does as asked for and gives Raina's number to Rajeev.

He dials her number.. She picks up the call and says, "Hello".

Rajeev replies, "Hi.. Raina?"

She recognizes his voice familiar, but does not even think to be him, she replies, "Yes, it's Raina, may I know who's this?"

"Hi Raina.. It's Rajeev this side.. how are you?" he tries to sound composed though he is too overwrought inside, but the condition of Raina is even worse. On hearing his name, her heart skips a beat, a lump forms in her throat and she is not able to utter a single word. Somehow, she gathers her composure and asks again, "Sorry, who's this?"

"Rajeev Sabarwal..remember? we met last week.." he replies nervously.

"Oh really! so, you are Rajeev", she says with a sardonic laughter and continues, "Will you please stop this Nirvan? You know, I don't like these kind of jokes.." And she hangs up but her pulse is still beating wildly.

Rajeev is completely shocked by her behavior, he mutters to himself, "What's wrong with this girl? And who the hell is Nirvan?" He can't stop himself from calling her again, and as soon as she picks the call, he says,  "Look Raina, this is Rajeev here, I'm really sorry if I disturbed you, but I just want to tell you, in fact ask you, can we.." he sighs and continues, " can we meet once? please..  "

She is dumbstruck to hear this, she nearly drops the phone, thousands of thoughts are running in her mind at the same time, "Is this really Rajeev? But why would he want to meet me? May be, something related to the same contest, but in that case his team would have called, why he is calling? Or is this Nirvan? and he is playing his usual stupid games, this time, I am not going to fall for his trick so easily.."  she gets interrupted when she hears Rajeev's voice, "Raina, are you there on the line?"

"Yes, I'm.." she replies nervously.

"So, are we meeting?" he asks again.

"Fine, where do you want me to come? To the same studio?" She asks in an irritated tone with a belief that it's Nirvan and playing some prank on her.

"We can meet wherever you say Raina, i'll come down.." he replies happily on her consent.

She thinks for a while and says, "'Tea Villa Cafe' , it's a very famous and busy cafe in Ghatkopar, I can meet you there tomorrow at 1 pm, is it fine with you? " she deliberately chooses this place and time as she know it's a busy place and will be more busier in lunch time, and Rajeev would never agree to come to this place. So, if the person on the other side of the phone says yes, he is proved not to be Rajeev.

"Of course, sounds good to me, I'll reach there on time" Rajeev replies to her belief which makes her smirk in triumph. 


Next day afternoon, Tea Villa cafe..

Rajeev is sitting at the table right in front of the door, he is eagerly waiting for her, it is 1:20 pm already and there is no sign of her, he is becoming more impatient with every passing minute, he doubts whether she will come, he lifts his phone to call her but then shakes his head and keeps it back. Waiter comes to him fourth time, "Sir, shall I get anything for you?" and he replies the same as he did last three times, "a glass of water please.." He sips the water, clears his throat and sighs heavily. 

Raina reaches the cafe but shocked to see the "CLOSED" board outside. She tuns around to go back when she hears a voice, "Mam", she turns back, there is a man coming towards her, he continues, "Mam, Sir is waiting for you inside."

She surprisingly asks, "Who is waiting?"

"Rajeev sir is waiting for you mam, I'm his manager", saying this he motions her to go inside, "mam, this way please.."

She feels the ground falls out from underneath her feet, her heart is pounding, her mouth feels dry and she feels frozen to the spot. She never thought of this even in her wildest dream ever that he will come to meet her. 

"Mam.. mam.. are you alright?" 

She gets back in her senses after hearing him and nods her head. He again motions her to go inside, and she starts walking towards the door, she has butterflies in her stomach, a smile creeps on her lips, all the memories of their last meeting start flashing in her mind, and then she remembers how badly she spoke to him over phone a day before thinking him to be some one else. She closes her eyes with embarrassment and anger for herself. She takes a deep breath and opens the door.


Author's note-

Hello Readers, I thank you for reading my story, Please vote if you like it, also I would love to hear your reviews in comments. Thanks once again!

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