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They both are lost into each other, their eyes are locked and then something brings them back in the real world, it is nothing but Nirvan's coughing, they both look at him together. Now Raina realises she has not introduced him to Rajeev yet. She embarrassingly says, "I'm so sorry Nirvan", looks towards Rajeev and says, "Rajeev, this is Nirvan.. my best friend"

Rajeev who was already looking towards Nirvan now looks at her for a second after hearing "my best friend" and again looks towards him and extends his hand for a warm handshake. Rajeev understands that Nirvan is dear to Raina, and whoever is dear to her is special for him also. They indulge in talking about various things when Raina excuses herself and walks towards restroom. Rajeev can't stop him from staring at her until she is out of his sight. Nirvan notices this and smiles.

Ladies Restroom...

Raina enters and gets delighted to see Natasha there, she says excitedly, "Oh my God..I can't believe you are there right in front of me. I am a big fan of yours.. You are so very beautiful and today you are looking just stunning.." she forgets all her worries which she had few moments ago about Rajeev and her, as Rajeev's strange compliment was enough to make her happy and make her let go all the worries. But she doesn't know that her happiness is not going to stay long.

Natasha replies in a cold tone, "Thanks.. by the way how do you know Rajeev..?"

She saw both of them standing very close and the way Rajeev was looking into Raina's eyes made her suspicious about their relationship. And now she enquires Raina about her acquaintance with Rajeev.

Raina doesn't know how to answer this question, she can't make up any false story so chooses to say truth, "I won "the best fan" contest so I got chance to meet Rajeev "

Natasha gives a spontaneous reply out of suspicion, "You got a chance to meet him and he invited you to his movie launch party..C'mon a fan can not be that special.. or may be you are not just a fan for him ?"

Raina knows that Rajeev doesn't want to disclose their relationship to everyone now so she prefers to hide the truth and says,"There is nothing like that..you are misunderstanding.."

Natasha interrupts her and says, "I know that there can be nothing like that between you both ever. You can never be Rajeev's choice.. please don't mind but you are not his type.. and if by any chance it is true... believe me it will be a joke.. Everyone will laugh at Rajeev..he himself will become a joke." and she moves out of the restroom.

Raina is standing there immobilised, she is still trying to grasp what Natasha just said. She looks at herself in mirror, she knows in her heart that he is out of her league and she tried to convince the same thing to Rajeev which he denied. But she knows that this is true which sounded bitter from Natasha's mouth but she can't deny that this is true.

She gets a hold of herself and calls Nirvan and says, "Don't utter a word, just do what I am telling you to, I'll be near the car, you come out immediately." saying this she hangs up.

Nirvan gets confused but does what she said, he comes out and asks her, "what happened?"

Raina doesn't explain anything to him rather order him, "Sit in the car right away and let's go from here"

Nirvan is clueless of what has happened to her, but he knows that it's better to do what she is saying and they immediately leave from there.

Rajeev is looking for her in the party hall, when he doesn't see her anywhere, he calls her.

She see her phone ringing, she sees his name flashing on the screen, her heart skips a beat, she doesn't know what to do, should she take it or not and what to tell him why she left without meeting him. She lets it ringing. He keeps calling her but she didn't take it, putting it on silent mode, she throws it in her bag.

Nirvan watches all this, now he is really got tense about her, he asks her again, "Raina.. please tell me what happened, I can't take it anymore, I need to know.. please"

Raina with lot of difficulty replied as her throat is choked, "Not now Nirvan please. I'll be fine.. trust me.."

He drops her at her home and leaves.


Morning 3:00 am.. Rajeev's bedroom..

He is lying on the bed, he is very tired but not able to sleep. His mind is fully occupied by her thoughts, when he opens his eyes, he keeps thinking about her behaviour today, "why she left like that, why is she not taking my calls, hope she is not in any trouble" and when he closes his eyes he keeps seeing her image. 

Struggling with his thoughts for few more hours, finally he falls into a slumber.


Morning 8:00 am.. Raina's house..

Her eyes are swollen as she was crying whole last night. Sameera is asking her about last night party.

Sameera says, "Raina, I'm sure Rajeev must have lost his senses after seeing you, You were looking so pretty yar... tell me yar what he said.. how he complimented you.."

Raina gets irritated, replies, "All women were pretty there, you know yar it was film industry party, everyone was just perfect looking there, in fact I was.. I was not fitting in there"

Sameera senses the pain in her tone, she asks her worrying, "Raina, what's wrong.. you don't look happy, anything happened in party...tell me please.. did Rajeev say anything to you?"

Before Raina could say anything, doorbell rings and she walks towards the door..

She opens the door and he is there right in front of her.


Author's note-

Hello Readers, I thank you for reading my story, Please vote if you like it, also I would love to hear your reviews in comments. Thanks once again!

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