A strange compliment..

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A week later, Raina's house..

Doorbell rings, Soumya opens the door and gets delighted to see Rajeev there. She asks him to come inside and calls out Raina's name and leaves. Raina comes out casually and is blabbering, "Di, who has come at this late hour". She gets surprised to see Rajeev there. Rajeev checks his watch, it is 10:15pm, he realizes, it's really late, he says, "Sorry, I shouldn't have come now at this hour"

"No, it's perfectly fine.." Raina replies apologetically.

Rajeev extends his hand to give an envelope to her.

She takes it and surprisingly asks, "what is it?"

"These are 2 passes of my new movie launch event which is going to happen after 2 days and I want you to come there." he almost commands her.

He continues, "You know Raina, I want to take you with me in the party, but if I'll do so, more than my movie, WE will become the matter of interest to everyone, and I don't want that, I want to disclose our relationship to everyone but in a decent manner not like this, hope you understand..."

She is so happy to see how serious and possessive he is for his relationship with her, she smilingly replies,"Of course I do and I'll come to the party with Soumya Di or with my friend.."

He happily says, "Okay, so I'll take your leave..it's already late.." and he starts walking towards the door, she follows him. He is at the door, he suddenly turns back and says, "By the way, did you say anything which I missed to hear"

She confusingly asks,"What?"

He replies with a smirk, "Anything like..  I like you or I miss you or.. or..or.."

She blushes and says, "Good night  Rajeev"

He gives an open mouth smile and wishes her back, "Good night".


Next day Raina's house...

"I want a new dress", Raina cries out, picking and throwing each of her hanged dresses in closet. She is unable to find an attire which she can wear in the party. Soumya agrees to go with her for shopping.

After wandering from one shop to the other shop for the whole day, finally they settle on a beautiful pink color dress. When they ask for its price, salesman replies, "Rs 18000 only". They look at each other's face with their mouth open and then they both look at salesman together and asks the price again. When they hear the same price again, they could believe their ears. For one, this might not be an huge amount to spend on a dress, but for them it is, as after their father's death, they both had to bear all living expenses and shoulder all responsibilities towards their mother and Soumya's son Rihan which is of course not easy in their meagre salary . In all this struggle, they forget and also can not afford to spend on good clothes or accessories for themselves. And today again, Raina immediately decided not to buy this expensive dress. But Soumya wants her to buy, she wants her to enjoy these golden moments of her life whole heartedly. She knows that they have compromised a lot with their happiness, but this time she wants her sister to feel the luckiest and happiest girl on the planet. After so much of insistence from Soumya, Raina finally buys the dress.

 After so much of insistence from Soumya, Raina finally buys the dress

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Movie launch event...

Raina and Nirvan reach the venue. They are surprised to see hundred of TV reporters waiting there outside to cover the celebs' entry. When they enter inside, they are stunned to see the arrangements. The party is even more glamorous and grand than they expected it to be. Nirvan thanks Raina to get him to this party where he finds both the things which he truly treasures for, hot girls and delicious food. But Raina feels little conscious, though she was very nervous already before coming to the party but after seeing the beautiful and hot girls here, she becomes so conscious about her looks.

Where Nirvan is completely drowned in beauty and food, Raina goes to washroom number of times to check on her dress and makeup. She knows Rajeev will be here anytime and she wants to look perfect for him.

And the moment arrives, when Rajeev and Natasha enter the party. Natasha is the famous film actress and has been in this industry for many years. She is the heroine of this film opposite to Rajeev. They both are looking dazzling. It is difficult for Raina to get even a glimpse of Rajeev as he is surrounded by press reporters. After posing for media, Rajeev and Natasha come to the stage. Rajeev's broad smile and his closeness with Natasha causes a sharp pain to Raina's heart. She feels very strange about her pain as she never had any problem with Rajeev being close to any actress physically but today when he is just standing near another girl, she feels hurt. She wants to hide herself or leave from there as she doesn't want to face him today. She is not sure whether it is jealousy, possessiveness, some complex or just her stupidity.

Rajeev and Natasha are answering questions raised by reporters about their movie. But his eyes are searching for Raina everywhere. Unfortunately, he can't see her because of flashy lights of the cameras, he wants this questionnaire to end soon so that he can meet Raina.

Finally, it ends and they both get down the stage but again surrounded by different people, some of them are asking for autograph, some are congratulating him for his movie and wishing him luck for its success. He quickly crosses each one of them and looks for her everywhere. She sees him looking for her, but does not move from her position. Nirvan holds her hand and almost drags her saying, "C'mon Raina, let's go meet him".

And they are in front of each other, just saved from colliding into each other. His lips automatically curve into a smile, he takes a step back and observes her from bottom to top. She realises his gaze travelling from her bottom to top, she can't look into his eyes so she chooses to look down. He takes a step towards her and now again they are very close and a word automatically comes out of his mouth, "Really..." which immediately causes her to look up into his eyes, she is confused, she might not be expecting the words from his mouth like "Beautiful", "gorgeous", or "stunning" but she was not even expecting "REALLY". 

She says,"Sorry.."

He realises what he just said, he closes his eyes for a second out of embarrassment and says, "I'm sorry.. I never knew that you wear this type of dresses and you can do make up..actually I have always seen you very simple...I never imagined you like this..so you know..it's difficult for me to..."

She is almost like crying, last few moments had been very difficult for her anyway and on top of it, Rajeev's remarks smashed her heart.

She says with lot of trouble as her throat is choked, "I know I am not looking good.. actually I should not have come here only.." saying this she starts moving..

Rajeev realises now what he has just done, what he was trying to say and how his words are interpreted or misinterpreted. He holds her elbow and comes even more close to her, looks into her eyes and says, "Don't be silly Raina". He closes his eyes for a moment and says, "Raina this is the first time I have fallen in love and I might not know how to compliment a girl, it's true that I have said flattering lines for girls on screen so easily and effortlessly but trust me in reality it is not at all easy for me as when I see you i don't know what happens to me, I run out of words, I stammer, my hands start trembling. You know Raina when you came to meet me in cafe I checked you out and I was confident that nothing can be more beautiful than this sight but you proved me wrong today as today you are looking far more beautiful than that day. Trust me whatever I'll say to praise your beauty will not be enough. But, I can still say that when I just saw you, I skipped my breath, I can just say that I might manage to live without air and water but I can't without seeing you." And a tear rolled down Raina's cheek.

He shakes his head in no to her and says with a smirk, "You know what, make-up suits you but these tears don't" which makes her smile.

He feels so relaxed seeing her smiling.


Author's note-

Hello Readers, I thank you for reading my story, Please vote if you like it, also I would love to hear your reviews in comments. Thanks once again!

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