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She gasps at the sight of him, it's an unexpected but beautiful treat for her to see him again, he looks the most dashing man on this planet in his black shirt and light brown pants

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She gasps at the sight of him, it's an unexpected but beautiful treat for her to see him again, he looks the most dashing man on this planet in his black shirt and light brown pants. She feels her heart leap inside her chest when she notices him coming towards her. His intent gaze on her makes her even more vulnerable in the moment. His eyes travel from top of her hair down to her toes and goes back to her face which makes her shiver. She is wearing a simple maroon kurti and creme color patiala shalwar, her hair are half tied, there is no sign of makeup on her face except the kajal on her lower lashline.

He feels contented to see her as if all his restlessness and distress which he was suffering with for past eight days comes to an end with her glimpse. He lets out a heavy sigh of relief and almost sings her name, "Raina.."

She trembles on hearing her name from his mouth and says, "I'm sorry...actually..yesterday.. I was..actually I thought.. no I mean.. I didn't know..that"

He politely interrupts her, "Raina, that's perfectly fine, relax.." as if he completely understands what she means to say and does not want her to trouble herself and feel sorry for that at all. He motions her to come inside and pulls a chair for her, they settle down. He offers a glass of water to her which she grabs quickly. Out of the corner of his eye he checks her out and whispers to himself, "She is so simple, but incredibly beautiful". He quickly removes his gaze before she catches him staring at her.

"So, why you wanted to meet me?" She clears her throat and asks..

He licks his lips out of nervousness and says, "That's really a tough question, Raina"..lets out a heavy sigh and says, "I don't know, I really don't know why I wanted to meet you. I know just that I am liking here to be with you, You know last week has really been difficult for me, I was not able to concentrate on my work, I was not able to sleep properly because I could not take you off my mind, yes, you heard me right, you have occupied my thoughts completely.."

She doesn't believe her ears, "Is this some dream or reality? The man whom I have been doing hero-worship for eight years, the man who was my first crush, the man whom I love insanely, unconditionally and infinitely, he is sitting in front of me and confessing that I have occupied his thoughts.. can this be true? " her lips start trembling and her eyes get brimmed with tears, but the very next moment her heart gets pierced by his forthcoming words.

"Raina, I am not insane to call it love, of course this can't be love, this is only second time we are meeting, and I perfectly know how much you admire me and I am very grateful to you for that, so please don't mind my words, it's just that there is something about you which fascinates me.." he stops abruptly as he sees waiter coming towards them and then continues,

"I'm sorry Raina, I didn't even ask you for anything, so what will you take? Black Coffee?"

"No Rajeev, I don't like black coffee, that day I wanted to have something of your choice, so I had it, in fact I don't like coffee only, I like tea, masala tea" she replies in a cold tone.

"Sure Raina" He looks towards the waiter and places the order, "two masala tea please.."

"You don't need to have masala tea to please me Rajeev, I know you don't like tea, you can have whatever you like.. "

"That's what I am having, I am liking to be here.. to be here with you.." he says romantically

She is furious to hear this, "how easy it is for these actors to say these flattering lines, it is difficult to understand when they are acting and when they are not, but why I am angry on him, he is right, it can't be love, he can never love an ordinary girl like me and I never expected him to.. but..but what has just happened to me in this moment.. why I am feeling so weak.. "

"Raina, your tea.."he interrupts her thoughts..

He takes a sip of tea and says, "nice!", he tries hard to match his expression with his words.

She chuckles on his expression and says, "Rajeev, you don't have to act here, I know you didn't like it", he reciprocates with a laugh on being caught.

"Raina, I want to meet you more often, I want to know more about you, what you like, what you don't, I want to know about your friends, your boyfriends.." he smiles and continues, "but only when you want to share all this with me as a...." he pauses and continues, "as a friend.."

"But I don't want to meet you again because I can't.... I can't act Rajeev, i can't act to be happy when I'm not, I can't act to see this relationship of ours with the same angle in which you want to see it, I don't know this is love or some fascination, I am a very simple girl and I have very simple dreams, but today for a moment I saw a dream which can never come true and I don't want to run after this dream, so please let me go, let me go back to my simple world, You know that I admire you but there is too much which you don't know, which I never want to tell you because I never want to become a trouble for you, so, let me go please..." She leaves.

She left already, but he is still sitting there in the same position, immobilized. Her words are still echoing in his mind. Her flowing tears are still so evident in his sight. He hears even her unsaid words, he comprehends to even her unexpressed emotions. He smiles at the fact that she rejected him and left but he is not upset with that at all, in fact, he feels like embraced by someone who loves him the most...


Author's note-

Hello Readers, I thank you for reading my story, Please vote if you like it, also I would love to hear your reviews in comments. Thanks once again!

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