The most awaiting day..

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Raina is getting ready to meet him feeling very excited and equally nervous. She is wearing a blue color dress which she has bought specially for this occasion, she chose this color as she read somewhere that his favorite color is blue. She is looking at her in mirror again and again, and ensuring that she is not missing anything. Finally she heads off to the studio where he is waiting for her.

She reaches the studio, and meets the TV channel team which organized this contest, "The Best Fan" a week ago which she won and can now meet his favorite star.

His name is Rajeev Sabarwal. He is one of the most popular Indian television and film actors. He has received many awards for his outstanding performances. He has huge fan following, some love him for his good looks and some for his great acting. Raina is just one of those fans who loves him for everything. She has watched all his TV shows and films number of times. She has watched all his interviews. She knows very well what he likes and what he doesn't. She knows his complete story from his struggling phase till today when he is all's favorite.


And the moment...

She enters the room where he is sitting and waiting for her to come. He is wearing a light blue t-shirt and jeans which is looking just perfect on his sculpted body. He gets up from the couch and goes near the door to receive her.

"Hi, how are you Raina?"

"I am fine, how about you?"

"I am good! Please come."

He offers her to sit on the sofa, and he himself sits on the other couch and is looking at her. She is a simple girl with average looks. But he feels something special about her, he can't make out what it is, but yeah.. there is something definitely which  is stopping him from taking off his eyes from her. She is already lost in his eyes which are deep like ocean. Finally, he breaks the silence and says, "So, Raina what do you do?"

"Sorry!".. she missed his question as she was lost in some other world.

He smiles and repeats his question,"I asked, what you do for living?"

"I work in an ad agency."

"Oh! Cool!"

"You know I have been waiting for this moment for a long time, but I never knew that I would be too nervous and you would be too handsome." She realizes that she just called him handsome. She looks down and smiles, and again looks into his eyes.

He smilingly replies, "Thank you for the compliment!"

"C'mon, this is not the first time you are hearing this, thousands of people must have complimented you for your good looks"

"Yes, indeed, but this is the first time my "best fan" has complimented me", he says smilingly in a teasing tone.

She is liking his quick-wittedness and also she is witnessing this side of him for the first time. Until now, she knew just the character which he used to play in front of camera, but now she is getting familiar with the real Rajeev.

He asks, "So, what will you take? Tea, Coffee or some juice?"

"Black Coffee"..she replies..

"Hey, that's my choice".. he says surprisingly..

"Yes, I know. And I know this too that you love black forest cake. Am I right?"


"I made it for you. I have got it with me. Will you have a bite please?"

"Really? you have got cake for me, of course I would love to have.."

And he takes her to the dining area, she takes out the cake with too much care and placed it on table. He is impressed by seeing the cake, it is looking just perfect. And the message written on it robs his heart.. It is-

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