Love in the air..

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Same day, 10 pm..

He finds her asleep when he enters the room, he feels a pang of disappointment as it was their first day together and it got spent not in a way he expected it to be, he knows she was upset with something and the worst part is that she does not want to talk about it. He wants to wake her up and talk to her but he does not want to disturb her sleep. He changes into his night clothes and settles at one side of the bed almost at the edge of the bed as he does not want to scare her by any chance. He feast her eyes on her face until they get closed succumbed to slumber.


Next Morning, 5 am..

He wakes up and gets ready for jog, he is sitting on the bed and wearing his jogging shoes, when she wakes up and mumbles in sleepy tone, "Rajeev.. where are you going?"

He feels so delighted to see her awake and says, "I am going for a jog, will you join me?"

She gets up, rubs sleep from her eyes, sees through the window and then checks the time and replies, "It's just 5, it's pitch dark outside, it's not even the morning, who goes for a jog in midnight ?"

He smiles and says sarcastically, "My dear wife, I can understand for people whose morning start at 8, for them 5 is just have a valid point!"

"Hey, what do you mean, are you talking about me? I don't wake up at 8, I wake up very early"

"Like what time? 7:45 ?, he says and laughs.

"Anyway, you want to go, you go but I am not fool to run in midnight, let me catch some more sleep" she says and about to lie down but he just holds her hand and pulls her towards him, they come so close that she can feel his breath fanning her face, his alluring eyes travel down her face and his gaze gets fixed on her lips, he cups her face with his hands, she closes her eyes out of anxiety welling up in her chest. Her heart is throbbing and her breathing becomes unsteady and uneven, he can sense her fear and nervousness, he feels she might not be ready for this now and he does not want to rush with her, he closes his eyes for a moment to control his desires and then places a warm kiss at corner of her lips. She opens her eyes and looks at him, his smile assures her that he can wait.

He asks her playfully, "So, was this enough to vanish your sleep or you still feeling sleepy ?"

Her cheeks turn red, she smiles shyly.

"So, are you coming with me ?" He asks.

She nods.


They have walked half a mile and she is already panting, she says catching her breath in between, 

"I can't walk anymore Rajeev...I am so tired."

"Raina, we have not walked even a mile" 

She gets irritated and says, "You are talking about a mile, I can not walk even one more step..I am done.. I am going to faint.. I have not had anything since morning..O my God I am starving" she continues her ranting which stops only when he picks her up in his arms. She involuntarily wrapped her arms around his neck for support. Her eyes are glued on his face whereas he sees straight towards the road back home.

She is immensely enjoying this ride in his arms and when he sees a smile on her face, he says,

"It seems where my hands are aching, someone is really enjoying"

"What! what do you mean, am I so heavy that your hands are aching."

"No, not at all, in fact you are as light as cotton bolls."

"I know you are making fun of me, but you should actually thank me."

"O really and may I know why ?"

"See, you are doing jogging with weight lifting, so because of me your complete work out is done."

"Oh Wow! I did not think that way, so, I'd like to do this weight lifting everyday, and I won't bother you to come this far, we can do it in our bedroom only and there is no time constraint also, we can do it whenever you want, morning, evening or night. so what say Mrs. Raina Sabarwal ? He says with a smirk stressing on "Mrs."

Blood flows to her face and causes her face to turn red, she is not able to utter even a word, not able to look into his eyes whereas he is constantly looking at her face.

Soon, they reach home, he lets her get down, she makes a brief eye contact with him and then runs into the house.


Rajeev's parents are sitting at breakfast table, Rajeev and Raina join them, Rajeev pulls chair for her and they settle down. He starts serving dishes on her plate. She looks at him and wonders, how can someone be a perfect gentleman like him. Maya notices this and smiles. 

There is milk, juice and coffee in beverages, but there is no tea. He calls one of the cooks and asks him to make some tea, he looks at her and confirms, "ginger tea ?" She nods. He smiles and repeats to the cook, "one cup ginger tea please."

She thinks, "He remembers everything about me, what I like, what I am allergic to, is he for real, I could never imagine that someone would love me like this and it would be Rajeev, I never thought of that in my wildest dreams"

She comes out her trance when he keeps his hand on her shoulder and says, "why are you not eating ? You want something else ?"

She shakes her head in no, smiles and eats her breakfast.

Rajeev's father Rajesh asks him, "Son, where are you going for honeymoon ?"

She almost chokes at this question of him, she loves Rajeev so much but when it comes to physical intimacy she loses her nerve.

He repiles, "Papa, actually we can't go for honeymoon now, as I am shooting for a series and it has to go on air next month and for taking a vacation, I had to tell the producers in advance."

Rajesh says to Raina, "Raina, you know Rajeev has always been a person who does advance planning for everything in life, like going to which college, choosing what stream, going for acting school, everything was well planned and thought of, but this time, his marriage, I never expected him to marry like such a hurry as if he is already regretting of the days he has lived without you and he can not afford to live one more day without you.. he loves you and I know you love him too and my only advice to you both is never hesitate to express your love for each other..never disrespect each other..and always take care of each other.."

They nod. Rajeev gets overwhelmed, he says, "Ma, Papa, thank you so much"..he holds her hand.. and continues, "thank you for giving me my life".

Everyone has a smile of joy and satisfaction on their faces.


Author's note-

Hello Dear Readers,

I want to thank you for taking time to read my story. Your votes and comments inspire me to write further as they are the only medium which let me know what you liked and what you didn't like in the story. Please keep reading, voting and commenting. Love you all! 

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