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Raina's house.. Sunday morning..

Sameera is helping Raina getting ready. Soumya and her mom are in kitchen preparing snacks for the guests. Everyone is so happy and waiting excitedly for the guests except Raina. She seems lost in some other world. Sameera is helping her in draping the sari, Raina's gaze is transfixed at the mirror in front of her. Sameera asks her if the sari is draped perfectly but receives no response from her. She shakes her a bit which makes her come out of her trance. Sameera takes out the makeup box set and moves her hand towards Raina's face but Raina holds her hand and shakes her head in no and says, "It's fine.."

She is looking so simple but elegant in her blue sari. She has clutched her hair from the mid in the back. She is wearing small silver color earrings. She touches the locket lovingly which Rajeev wrapped around her neck when he proposed her. She had tried to take it off number of times till today but never could, she gathers all her strength now and finally takes it off and bends to keep it  on the dresser, but stops after hearing Nirvan who just came to the room and breaks the news excitedly, "They've arrived.."

She stands straight still holding the locket in her hand tightening her grip more on it. Nirvan's words bring a smile on Sameera's face who looks towards Raina who is standing stone faced with no expression at all. But she ignores her and goes out with Nirvan to welcome the guests.

When every one settles down in the hall, Sameera and Soumya start serving the snacks to the guests, after few minutes the boy's parents request Raina's mom to call her. Sameera and Soumya excitedly walk towards her room but to their surprise, her room is locked, they call out her name but in vain as they do not receive any response from inside.

Raina inside the room hearing all their voices but ignoring them is walking from one corner of the room to another but stops suddenly hearing one voice, it's his. Her name sounds like a melody to her in that voice, "Raina...." She thinks may be she is hallucinating but she hears it again, "Raina...".  Her heart beats faster than normal and she immediately opens the door and finds him standing there right in front of her. Nirvan, Sameera and Soumya are standing along with him at the door but her mind doesn't register their presence, her gaze is transfixed at him, she still doesn't believe he is actually there, so she touches him at his shoulder with a finger, when he doesn't disappear she believes he is actually there and takes a deep breath, tears escape her eyes. 

He notices her swollen eyes, dark circles beneath them, her lost charm and her sunken cheeks which are explaining him loudly and clearly how badly she missed him. He feels a pang of pain seeing her in distressed state. He takes a step forward which makes her take a step backward. He closes the door behind him keeping his stare fixed at her face. They keep looking at each other's face for few more moments as they were craving for each other's glimpse all these days. After some time she breaks the silence saying, "H..How are you Rajeev?"

He replies in an anguished tone, "How should I be Raina? What you said to me, what you did to me, after that what do you think how should I be?"

She feels sad and shamed of being blamed for his distress and she mumbles in a very low tone, "I thought it's been a month now must be little better..I'm sorry I hurt you.."

He interrupts her stepping towards her which makes her to move backwards, saying again in a harsh tone, 

"So you think, one month is enough to forget someone you love..or may be it is so easy for you to love someone or stop loving someone as per your wish and convenience..right..?"

She feels his words piercing her heart, but she is taking all of them gracefully as she knows she has hurt him and he has all rights to be harsh with her for what she did to him, she takes her steps back with her downcast eyes as he is forwarding towards her bursting his anger on her.

He continues relentlessly, "You know what I think.. you have never had fallen in love with anyone.. or if you have never been stayed far from him that is why you can't even imagine about my can't feel what I have been going through all these days.."

She wants to shout and say that it's not true, of course she can feel his pain as she has been part of this pain, she is no less affected by this decision of hers, she is wretched, distressed and heartbroken, not any less that he is, but she chooses to be quiet. 

He is continuously moving towards her and she is moving backwards with the same pace but now her back touches the wall and he stops right in front of her, he keeps his left hand on the wall and bends towards her. The seductive fragrance of his perfume is going inside her with her each breath which is creating havoc inside her body, she feels so difficult to stick to her position, she feels an yearning desire to hug him but her brain is constantly giving her signals to stay steady and firm.

  She doesn't say anything but he reads everything in her tear filled eyes. He understands her dilemma, he notices her changing expressions and color of her face  with his proximity. Even he wants to take her in his arms and take away all her pain and worries. He says to her with little softness in his tone now, "Why are you doing this Raina? Why do you want to stay away from me when you know you can't.. I know you can't stay without me.. why do you want to marry a random person when you don't love him..i know you will never be able to love him.. because you can't love anyone else..I know you can't love anyone else but me.." Saying this he closes his eyes for a moment  and tears escape his eyes. 

She is surprised to know that he knows about her feelings though she never shared with him, she wonders how he came to know that her story was not true, she tries to convince him again saying, "Rajeev.. please try to understand..I..I can't marry you because..because.. I can not match up to your personality..I don't suit to your superstar image.. please..please try to understand.. "

Rajeev replies, "Fine..if that is the problem..if my superstar image is stopping profession is stopping you, I'll leave my profession, I'll leave acting, I'll leave this industry or we will leave this place..we'll go where nobody will recognise me..where we both will be equally ordinary..  "

She sees pain and agony in his eyes, she feels a pang of guilt and says in a worried tone, "I don't want that Rajeev.."

He feels annoyed and out of anger he hits the wall beside Raina with his right hand fist and says, "Then, what do you want damn it !"

She feels scared now, she swallows the lump formed in her throat. She is pinned to the wall and caged in his arms. He keeps staring at her face feeling he has full authority to do it.  She finds difficult even to breath in his proximity. She feels hypnotised by intense gaze of his alluring eyes. They forget what they were arguing for and felt lost in this moment. Her body aroma is arousing him to cross all limits and takes her in his arms, but being a gentleman he waits for her to fall in his arms like she did last time. Their eyes are locked which are conveying all unsaid emotions to each other, soon there is a smile on their faces as eyes have confessed what their words couldn't. They are drowning in ocean of love for each other when a voice hit them back to reality, it is coming from the hall, "Raina....Raina..Rajeev.."

Rajeev takes a step back from her, she walks few steps away from him and stands crossing her arms across her chest out of shyness and nervousness. He again looks towards her but she is looking in other direction averting his gaze. He comes close to her and says almost pleadingly, "Raina my parents are waiting outside, they have come here with our marriage proposal, please come and meet them and please say yes to the proposal." saying this he starts moving.

She immediately looks towards him surprisingly. She understands now that the boy whose picture her mother showed to her, his family hasn't come to their house, instead Rajeev has come with his parents, that is why everyone including Nirvan and Sameera were so happy and excited since morning, so they all knew about it, but how it all happened. Before she could say or ask anything from Rajeev, he already left the room.


Author's note-

Hello Readers, I thank you for reading my story, Please vote if you like it, also I would love to hear your reviews in comments. Thanks once again!

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