The Gift..

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He hands over the bag to Raina who is still struggling to get her normal breath back, she brings the inhaler near her mouth, and starts breathing in slowly. He is watching her closely with an expression of distress and shock. She starts feeling normal in few moments. It doesn't take long for him to understand that it's was an asthametic attack.

He asks her, "How are you feeling now. Shall I call doc?"

She replies, "No, I am fine now."

He confirms, "Are you sure?"

She assures with a smile, "Yes"

He says to her anxiously, "so you are asthametic, but how did you get attack now all of a sudden. Did you eat anything wrong?" 

"Yes, I think so, I am allergic to yogurt, and this lazzania which I ate might be having yogurt in it."

He shakes his head in annoyance and yells, "Raina, how can you be such careless, when you know that you are allergic to something, how can you eat anything without examining it, and on top of it,  you don't carry your medicines with you?"

She tries to say that she carried but forgot in the room but could say just, "No, actually.." and he interrupts her,

"Shut up Raina! You can't give excuse in matter of your life at least."

She is listening to him lowering her eyes like an innocent school kid, though he feels that he has no right to talk to her like the way he did, after all, he is nobody to shout on her. And he apologizes for the same, "I'm sorry, I just lost my temper"

He is surprised to see that rather feeling bad, she is enjoying this and smiling which in turn brings a smile on his face also and vanishes all his anger.

Now again, she is staring at him, looking into his eyes and he allows her since he does not want to hurt her unlike the last time he did by stopping her.

But time stops them, Rajeev gets a call, it is from channel team who is waiting for them downstairs, he replies, "Ya ya we are coming.."

Raina understands that it is time for her to go and her "dream turned reality" is going to end, she feels, it was really short, she needs some more time with him, there is a lot in her heart which she wants to share with him, but not sure whether he would be interested to lend an ear to her."

Rajeev's voice interupts her thoughts when he says, "So, shall we go Raina?"

And she gets the answer to the questions running in her mind, it was an expected one, "No". She realizes the utmost bitter truth that he is everything for her but she has no importance in his life, it's not that she didn't know this before but she realizes it again in this moment with an agony.

They walk downstairs and the team hands over a gift to Rajeev which they want him to present to Raina. He forwards the gift to Raina and says smilingly,

 "All the best Raina, I wish you get everything in your life which you've ever desired for."

She accepts the gift and says with an immense passion in her eyes,

"Thank you Rajeev......... for everything"

He can sense she is trying to convey something which her words are not mirroring but he does not know what it is, he notices that her eyes are brimmed with tears and demanding something from him, but he is clueless what it is, he chooses to divert her mind and asks, "How would you go? Shall I call a cab for you?"

"No, thank you, I'll manage myself" she says with a false smile breaking her eye contact with him and starts moving out.

He turns to see her and keeps looking at her until she is out of his gaze, he is still standing there in a confused state and then he hears his name called but does not respond, and again the same voice, "Rajeev sir", he turns back, it was one of his crew members who tells him, "Sir, shot is ready". He responds in a nod and leaves with him.


Raina takes an auto to her home where her friends are waiting for her eagerly. Nirvan and Sameera are her childhood friends to whom she shares every emotion of her heart, they have always been there with her in all the times, be those times hard or easy, joyful or painful, but today they have come here not for her but for Rajeev's autograph which they asked her to get for them. And their wait comes to an end. Doorbell rings.

They run to open the door, shouting her name loud and as soon as they open the door, they start firing questions, how was it? what all happened? what he said? Did you take his autograph?

Without answering any of their questions, she rushes to her room, threw her bag and gift on the bed, sits down leaning her back against the bed, and burst into tears.

Now, their excitement turn into anxiety and worry for their friend, they sit down along, and ask her, what exactly happened, "Did he not meet you?"

Raina replies, "He did."

Nirvan asks with an expression of anger for Rajeev, "Did he not speak to you rightfully?"

Raina replies with annoyance, "No, he did."

Then both of them unanimously ask, "Then, what?"

"I don't know, I should be happy as I met him, but I'm not, I feel like I lost him though I know he was never mine and will never be but..but.. I love him, I really do", she confesses her love for him in the arms of Sameera.

It's not a news for Nirvan and Sameera, they know her feelings for him very well, earlier they used to think that it was just an infatuation and with time this would fall off but they have witnessed her love blooming and growing for him bit by bit day by day.

Nirvan thinks  to cheer up the ladies and says in an exciting mood, "Hey girls, Let's check what gift he gave" saying this he starts opening it.

Raina in a sad tone, "He didn't give yar, Channel team gave.." saying this she lowers her eyes in a disappointment.

"Wow!" Nirvan and Sameera both exclaim!

She lifts her eyes up to see what it is, It is a beautiful picture frame with photograph of Rajeev and Raina standing together very close. This brings a smile on her face and also a memory of the moment, they were heading to their lunch date when this picture was clicked.

 This brings a smile on her face and also a memory of the moment, they were heading to their lunch date when this picture was clicked

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Author's note-

Hello Readers, I thank you for reading my story, Please vote if you like it, also I would love to hear your reviews in comments. Thanks once again!

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