Tom: Bold
Me: Italics

"Hello, It's me Mr. Hendrix."

"Oh Hey, What's up?"

"Kaityln is gone!"

"What? What do you mean she is gone?"

"I'm telling you man. She is not here. She left for work and her friends called me and said that she was late and when they checked the parking lot her car, purse and car keys were there."

"Oh God. She must have been kidnapped."

"Isn't that obvious?"

"I'm on my way."

The call ended and I turned to Zara and Zidane.

"What did he say?" Zara asked.

"He said that she must have been kidnapped and that he is on his way." I explained.

"Hey guys, come take a look at this!" Zidane said getting our attention. We walked to where he was and he pointed at tyre marks.
So someone raced out of here.
So that also means, Kaityln was taken by someone. She was kidnapped...

After 10 minutes of trying to figure out which direction they would have taken her, Tom came.

"Okay So, We'll put a search party out so we can find her." Tom said.

"Yeah, we better find my baby." I stated.

"Don't worry, we'll find her." He assured me.

I called my parents and told them about the events. They said that they'll look after the company while I'm finding my wife.

I also called her parents, they were alarmed and said they'll help look for her.

Kaityln POV...

I'm stuck in this hell hole. Like why the hell would they want to kidnap me when it's not even my problem... Like Why?
Why do I have to suffer?
Why do I have to deal with all This?
Why Me?

While having a debate with my thoughts, the door opened and Johnathan walked in.

"Hey there," He said. What do I say?
I still can't get over that he kissed me...

"Hi!" I said while rolling my eyes.

"I'm really sorry for kissing you!" He said with this sad look on his face.

"Yeah Okay," I replied.

"I'm really sorry, screw This!" He mentioned, like if he was about to say something important.

I didn't say anything,

"I love you! Like so very much." He said.

I was speechless at the moment... What?
Isn't he not aware that I'm practically married?

"You are mine now!" He said with an evil look on his face. What does he mean that I'm his now? Is Xavier Okay? Oh God!
I hope he is Okay...

"No I'm not. I have a fiance and I certainly don't need you." I replied harshly.

"You know what, You're right. But I need you and I will make you mine." He announced.

Huh! Doesn't he have a girlfriend?

"There is no way that you are getting me." I said.

"Oh come on Sweetheart, I will take care of you like you took care of me." He answered. I'm not his sweetheart. Who does he think he is talking to?

"Look, I am not your sweetheart. Now leave me alone." I commanded.

He looked at me with a disappointed look and he walked out of the room.
Waw! Just waw...

What was that all about?

What the hell is going on?

Why do I have to go through This?

I hope that Xavier is Okay, why do I feel as if he is not?

I'm sure he is worried about my safely and is trying his best to find me.


Emma Baksh...

Thanks for all the support...
I do hope that y'all enjoy reading this story.
It means alot to see so many votes. ..

Woah and we're at 10K reads.. Like waw...

Thanks again for reads, votes and comments..

Love y'all...

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