Chapter 33

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When I got home Omarion wasn't there. He promised me that was gonna be back.

I just sighed and went to my room. I decided to call him but it went straight to voicemail.

I called him again and a girl answered moaning. I just hung up.

I really can't be mad since me and him aren't together at the moment.

My phone starting ringing. It was Demarcus.

"You look mad what's wrong?" Demarcus asked.

"Nothing just stressed." I said.

"You know what you need to do?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"You should go on a trip to a place you've always wanted to go, by YOURSELF and with the things that YOU love. You need a break from everything." He said.

"I know that it's just I've always found myself depending on someone else that I'm used to it." I said.

"Jayla your way too pretty to be depending on anybody else you can do great things all by yourself." He said.

"I know." I said.

"I'll help once I come back." He said.

"Ok." I said.

"I'm gonna have you re-braid my hair when I come back." He said smiling.

I just giggled and blushed.

"You play too much." I said.

"What? I'm serious ma. I want you to do my hair while I read your books." He said.

He's so adorable.

"Ughhh Fine." I said.

"Brown skin girl your skin just like pearls. The best thing in the world." I heard him mumble. It sounded good. He didn't tell me he could sing.

"How come you never told me you could sing." I said.

"You never asked and singing is not what I want my career to be. I don't love singing as much as I love art. Like you, You don't love boxing as much as you love making books." He said.

He's so easy to talk to and I could listen to his voice for hellas and neva get tired. Like I could just listen to him read a book.

"How do you know that I box?" I asked.

"Cause your brother told everybody. He was like "now that Jayla know how to box ion gotta worry about beating niggas ass for her." He said.

"He did way entirely too much. I still miss his dumb ass though." I said.

My brother was so over protective for no reason at all. Well maybe it's because he knew that stuff like the whole Darriyon reggie and Ace situation would happen if he hadn't been protective.

"You good mamas?" I heard Demarcus ask.

"Yes." I said.

"Ok." He said.

"There is one thing that I want you to do." I said giggling.

"And what is that?" He asked.

"Can you just talk or read me something out loud until I go to sleep." I said. I love his voice so much.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because your voice is so perfect to me." I said.

"Ok I'll talk you just lay down." He said.

"Ok." I said.

"Umm lets see. I don't know what to talk about." He said.

"Tell me about your life." I said.

"Well I'm going to be attending art college. I hope to get somewhere. My father is still in jail. My mother has been taking care of me all of my life. I've had a girlfriend but things didn't work out. Then I saw you."


I heard him I'm just faking sleep.

"Then I saw you. This pretty, short and adorable girl. Fine ass fuck. Anyways, good night."

I just smiled as my eyes were closed.


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