Chapter 31

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"Nigga what? Your wildin'."

"I'm deadass." He said licking his lips.

"First off das hella dirty. Second off my nigga will beat the fuck out of you." I said laughing. I'm not finna play with Jason.

"Who's your nigga?" He asked. Omarion's not my nigga but right now would be a good ass time to claim him.

"Omarion." I said calmly.

"Your lying." He said.

Niggas are so weird.

"Jason you need help." I said as I got in my car.

He grabbed my arm and kissed me. His kiss didn't feel right. It felt weird and forced.

"Bro what the fuck are you doing?" I pushed him off of me.

"Wowww so it's like dat now?" He asked.

"Listen Jason... I don't want you or anything that involves you. Get the fuck on before I beat the fuck out of you now I've been trying my best to not let my anger issues come back. And you know how I am when I'm mad. So I advise you to leave. Just because I don't box anymore doesn't mean that I won't whoop yo ass."


"Omarion why did you leave me?" I asked.

"You took too long." He said.

"Oh." I said as I looked down.

I don't want to speak about what happened between me and Jason. I don't like him. I hate him. I don't know what he was thinking.

"Princess that doesn't mean that I didn't want to wait. I just couldn't at the moment." He said.

"I understand." I said I sat down in his bed. I've decided that I'm going to tell him everything that happened between me and Jason.

I told Omarion everything even the part about us kissing.

"I'm not disappointed in you princess and I also love how you turned him down." He said.

"princess you telling me that didn't change anything about how I feel about you. I still get the same feeling when I hear your voice or even when I hold your small hand. I don't think anything or anyone could change how I feel about you." He said smiling.

"You get weird feelings when you hear me talk too?" I asked giggling.

"Yes and what do you mean by "too."?" He asked.

"When I hear your voice I get happy and feel butterflies." I said laughing.

He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

I grabbed my phone to call my father.


"Hey. I'm out the hospital."

"That's good. Pops I'm moving to Canada in a month. I was wondering if you would like to come with."

"Jayla...the doctors says I have a tumor in my brain that could possibly kill me. They say there doing surgery that could either help me or kill me."

"Pops why aren't you still at the hospital?" Tears were coming down my face.

"I wanted to see you before I go into surgery."

Today was the day that my father goes into to surgery. He didn't tell me anything at all but I can't keep being mad at him.

"Can you take me to my fathers house?" I asked.

"Yea come on." He said.

I grabbed my shoes and put em on.


"Jayla my surgery is In 2 hours I gotta go so they can prepare me." He said.

"Pops you should've been up there. Go before your late. Love you I'll be up there with you. I promise. Bye." I said. I was trying my hardest not to cry.

"I'll be ok.  How are you getting some where without your car. You left it at Omarion's house and he dropped you off here?". He asked.

Omarion told me he had some where to be.

"I really don't know. Go I promise I'll find a way up there." I said calmly.

"You can ride with me." He said.

"Ok you shouldn't even be driving." I told him.

"Jayla I have a tumor in my head not two cripple hands." He said.

"Still though you shouldn't be driving." I said.

I grabbed his keys and went in the car and started the car up.


I'm in the waiting room they already took him into surgery.

I just sat in the waiting room hoping that he would be ok. Hoping that the doctor would comeback and tell me some good news.

My phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I said as I sniffed.

"I'm on my way to the hospital." I heard Omarion say.

I just smiled. I don't even know why.

"Jayla?" Omarion asked.


"Did you hear me?" He asked.

"No what did you say?" I asked.

"I asked you did you need anything?" He said laughing.

"Marion Why are you laughing?" I asked giggling.

"I could feel you smiling through the phone when I told you I was on my way up to the hospital." He said.

"Really? How?" I asked.

"Jayla I know more about you than you think." He said.

I just giggled.

"Well I'm on my way. Do you want anything?" He asked.

"Yes can you get me some powder donuts hot fries and 3 slim Jim's?" I asked.

"Yes." He said.

"Can you get me smart water too?" I asked.

"Yessssss. Bye Jayla."

"Bye Omarion." I said.

"His ugly ass better not get me the regular kind of slim Jim's." I said rolling my eyes.

"So I'm ugly now princess?" I heard Omarion say.

"You heard me?"

"Yes you forgot to hang up."

"Sorry." I said giggling.

"I'm not gonna do anything to you when I get there but when everything is over best believe you will have something waiting for you."

... has been very horrible.

I hate it here.

My future boyfriend need to come get me and take me to Mars. I hate earth it's filled with humans, hate, racism, dying animals, global warming and killers.

Well racism probably mostly takes place in America so I'll move to London or Canada or China or Japan.

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