Chapter 16

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Today is the day of my brothers funeral. It's raining outside. My energy is not there I've been crying since yesterday and the person who sent me the flowers sent me more stuff which I liked but was curious at the same time.

I really wanna know how this person knows me so much. It's weird but I have to get up and get ready

I have to be there early along with my father.

I don't wanna wear a dress. So I wear my black jeans with my all white turtle neck along with a black hoodie Tyrone had let me borrow. This all still feels unreal. I tuck in my shirt and put on a Gucci belt. I put on my brothers chain and put on my clear mascara and my clear lip gloss. I put on my watch and my mother's ring.

I put on my all white vapormax plus and put some Cantu in my hair with sum eco and put it in a puff ball and did my edges. I put on the earrings the "pretty eyed" nigga got me. I didn't wanna get my hair done so I didn't get it done. My nails are all white, like always.

I grab my umbrella and headed out to my car.

When I got to the church my pops was discussing some things with the pastor of the church. A man led me to a room to see how my brother looked.

I seen his all black casket. I looked inside and there he was hands to his side. He looked unreal and felt unreal. A few tears came down my face.

"I miss him so much." I said as I hugged my pops. I walked towards the bathroom to get some tissue.

I came out the restroom and Darriyon was here.

More and more people came. The seats began to get filled.

I looked at the door to see Ace walking in. Who the fuck invited him he probably helped Reggie kill my brother.

I calmly walked up to him not trying to cause a seen.

"Can I please talk to you outside." I said quietly.

He nodded his head and we went outside. I put my hood on.

"Why the fuck are you here. Who invited you? Why show up to a person funeral you had beef with? And you said you wanted to kill me just because you knew how much I meant to my brother. And then your sister and Reggie knew what they were doing and knew they hurt me. Brianna knew everything and that's your sister. Why are you even here you probably helped Reggie kill him and you show up?" I said mad. I had tears coming down my face as I spoke quietly but mad. My voice was cracking because of all of the crying.

Ace had really pretty eyes with a scar on his lip he was very tall and was a mixture of light skin and brown skin.

"I see your wearing the earrings I got you."

"If Your here to hurt me gone he- wait you bought me these earrings?" I said laughing.

"Yes along with the flowers and tickets." Wait he's serious.

"You dead ass ?" I asked. Why would he out of all people want to buy me things and he knows so much about me. How?

"Yes." He said trying to touch my hand.

"Why ?" I asked.

"I don't wanna tell you right now. Now is not the right time and place to tell you but please can you at least try to be nice to me." He said as he held my hand.

"I'll try." I said calmly.

"Do you really have to hold my hand?" He was just doing too much.

"You don't want people to think we were arguing now do you." He said holding my hand smirking.

"Fine." I said as I rolled my eyes.

We walked back in.

"You look beautiful." He whispered in my ear.

I just ignored him and sat down. He sat down next to me. I really wish he would leave me alone. I'm about to punch the shit out of him if he don't stop staring at me.

I looked back at Darriyon to see him staring at me smiling like something is funny. Just wait till tomorrow him and his "friend" ace getting they as beat.

I didn't want the wake to be long so when the lady got done. I got up and left to go over to the reception.

As I was driving everybody got up and left to go to the reception room too.

Everything was set up when I got to the reception so I just waited for everyone else to come.

Ace was the first to walk in. He just stood by me then Darriyon came over to me.

"You wanna explain to me why the fuck he here." I said staring at Darriyon while pointin at Ace.

"It's for him to tell you not me." He said walking away

I looked at Ace and walked away. I really hate my life.

I sat down on one of the chairs and grabbed a soda and some chips. Everything bad always happen to me.

I wasn't really paying attention to the song until a part came in that I did not need to hear at the moment.

"Who im gone call when its time to ride? Who gone pull up when its time to slide? Me and my brother we stick together no other. We blowing up like a bubble and we took over no other"

I just started crying. I walked out of the reception and sat on the steps. I miss my brother so much.

I won't be able to see him again. I just started crying even more.

I heard the door close and I turn around to see Ace. He walked towards me and wiped my tears.

"Why are you being nice to me didn't you wanna kill me just a month ago ?" I'm so mad and infuriated right now.

He told me everything about him liking me, about him and my brother faking their beef, about how he hates his sister Brianna, and how everything was a lie.

"Why did my brother not want me to be with you." I said feeling emotionless. Everybody in my life lied to me except for my father. Everybody else knew but me.

"Umm... I'm not necessarily what you call a good person." He said looking down.

"Actually you have treated better than any of my exes but I don't want anybody at the moment I'm going through a pretty hard time in life. I kinda can't trust any nigga no more. I wanna work on me and get to know my actual worth before I get into a relationship and I just got out of a horrible situation which took my brothers life." I said being honest.

"I'll wait until your ready. But we're still going on that trip to France." He said smiling.

"Ok we can go just don't bother me. You tend to do that a lot." I said giggling.

"Well I cant make any promises since we'll be spending 3 weeks together." He said smiling.

I was very hungry when I wrote this.😭💀

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