Stephanie sighed. She headed towards Chloe and handed her phone back to her.

"So, was my plan excellent or amazing?!" Chloe laughed. "I totally saw Nino looking angry, so I assume he was angry at Alya."

"No! Chloe, your plan made everything worse," Stephanie turned around. "But I'm not blaming you. I'm blaming myself for ever believing that I could have Nino to myself."

"Steph, I'm so sorry. I really thought this would work. I mean.. I read in a book that a way to make a couple break up is to get someone to act as if he slept or made out with one of the couple."

"Well... Alya and Nino's relationship was that strong." Stephanie shook her head. "It's never going to work."

She started walking to the exit, where Raphael was waiting, non-patiently. She pushed the door opened, but before she could step outside, her phone started ringing.

"Ugh!" Raphael rolled his eyes as he walked outside while Stephanie stopped to pick up her call.


"Hello? Is this Veronica's daughter, Stephanie?"

Stephanie frowned. "Yes, it is. Any problem?"

"Yes, I'm afraid there is. Can you please come to the hospital right away?"

"S-sure, I'll be there!" Stephanie shakily put her phone away. As if in luck, Nino and Alya just happened to be heading out of the exit as well.

She grabbed Nino's shirt without thinking. "Please help me!"


"My mom is in the hospital. Can you please drive me there? I didn't come with my car, and the hospital is a long way from here," Stephanie begged. "I'm sorry, Nino, but you gotta help me!"

Nino took a look at Alya, as if asking her if it was okay. Alya nodded.

"I came with my car today," Alya started walking out. "We can use it."

"T-thank you!" Stephanie sniffed, wiping her eyes. She didn't even know why Alya was helping her even after everything that had just happened, but she didn't question it.

"What's going on?" Raphael asked, but nobody answered.

Stephanie looked away. "Oh gee, I hope it's not that serious!"

They arrived at the hospital in 30 minutes. Stephanie thanked them once again, before grabbing Raphael's arm and dragging him out of the car.

"Wait..." Stephanie bit her lip as she turned back. "Is it okay if Nino comes along? I really need someone here. I swear, I won't try anything!"

Nino quickly shook his head. "I have places to be. Alya, drive."

"Okay then, bye. Thanks again!" Stephanie waved at them, before walking inside of the hospital with Raphael.

- Before This Happened -

"Stella is just a huge, giant, big, fat liar!" Hannah yelled once again, maybe even a little too close to Kathleen's face. "And you're being stupid for believing her! I mean... What if I really do find out that Stella was behind all this, but then we won't be able to do anything, because she would be gone by then!"

"Hannah, suppose it was really Stella's fault Andy cheated... Well, it would also be Andy's fault because he wanted to cheat!" Kathleen explained in the calmest voice possible. Dealing with Hannah was way harder than she thought it would be. "Besides, don't forget that Andy literally kidnapped two little girls."

Broken Heartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें