Chapter 23

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"You want to play the blame game, let's all blame Rick. When excuse me, my love, he's been out there with Daryl searching for her all fucking day!" Briony shouted in Carol's face.

Shane stood in between them both. "You have done nothing!" Briony shouted. "You have stood here, you have not lifted one fucking finger, to search for your own fucking daughter!"

Briony raised her index finger and pointed it straight into Carol chest, glaring at her. "Well done, I think you deserve mother of the fucking year award." Briony whispered, as Carol sobbed. Briony clapped right in her face, scaring everyone once again and then started to walk away. Continuing to clap.

"Briony, stop." Shane scolded and started to drag her away from Carol.

"Attention seeking little bitch!" Briony shouted.

"This is childish, Briony. Stop it." Shame scolded once again.

Briony raised an eyebrow. "Oh." She chuckled. "So you think the truth is childish?"

"Shut up, You're pissing me off." Daryl spoke, walking up to his sister.

"Well guess what? I already am pissed off." Briony argued. "When we lost our brother, no one did so much as to say I'm sorry. No one cared. No one asked us about how we're coping with the pain."

Briony stood up, Daryl tried to hug her but she shoved him away. "Carol, well you see, Carol puts on a little show, all she has to do is cry and everyone circles her."

Briony continued. "I know she got abused but so did we, our whole fucking life. Where the fuck is our hug? Where the fuck is our: "You'll be okay?" We don't get that Daryl, we never will."

Every single person held on to every word she spoke, they could feel her pain and the pain she felt for Rick.

Briony turned and punched a car in anger, she didn't feel the pain but her knuckles sprayed out blood.

"For fucks sake." Daryl cursed, running over to her to aid her.

"Would one of y'all get me the medical kit please?" Shane asked, supporting Briony at the side.

They sat her down in the car boot next to Bandit who was happily resting. Shane inspected her wound.

"I'll clean that up and we'll see if it's broken." Shane told Briony, Glenn came running out with the medical kit, then walked off to help the group with other bits.

Shane grabbed the antiseptic wipes and placed it on her knuckle. "Fuck." She shouted, oh now she was feeling the pain. Shane then pressed lightly on the wound for a few minutes to stop the bleeding.

Shane rolled his eyes. "This is what happens when you punch cars." He mopped up the blood and inspected the wound and bones. "Nothing broken, I'll just plaster it for you and wrap some tape around it and put a bandage on it."

Daryl shook his head and ruffled Briony's hair. "Ya know what sis? Y'all the real reason folks don't wanna fuck with us. 'Cause yo ass is crazy as fuck."

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Briony awoke to the sun streaming in her eyes, she stretched and got herself up. She got dressed into a sleeveless black top, some ripped jeans and white shoes.

She brushed her teeth and hair, had a drink of water, fed Bandit and walked out the RV.

She grabbed her backpack and noticed her gun was missing.

What the fuck?

Briony exited the RV and saw Shane gathering everyone around, Briony sighed and joined them.

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