Chapter 10

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"I told you how it has to be. Are you woefully deaf?" Guillermo continued after Briony's little comedy act.

"No, my hearings fine. You said come locked and loaded." Rick cocked his gun, and the rest of the group followed, including Guillermo's boys. "Okay then, we're here."

Rick shoved his gun right in Guillermo's face and he just kept his head back. Something caught Briony's eye, as some people in the back started to move out of the way.

"Felipe! Felipe!" A women called, Briony noticed something was odd and looked to her right and saw an old women. Who was making her way through the group of loaded men.

Briony scrunched up her eyebrows, continuing to look at the women as she made her way to Felipe.

"Abuela, go back with the others, now." Felipe responded as she headed towards us.

"Get the old lady outta the line of fire!" Daryl shouted.

"Abuela, listen to your mijo, okay? This is not the place for you right now." Guillermo warned, clearly concerned for her safety.

"Mr Gilbert is having trouble breathing." She informed them, sounding very upset.

Trouble breathing?

She held onto Guillermo's arm. "He... He needs his asthma stuff. Carlito didn't find it. He needs his medicine."

"Felipe, go take care of it, okay? And take your grandmother with you." Guillermo demanded and Felipe starting speaking Russian.

"Who are those men?" She asked.
Briony chuckled to herself, she was clearly a man now.
Felipe continued speaking Russian again as she moved closer to Rick. "Don't you take him?"

"Ma'am?" Rick questioned.

"Felipe's a good boy. He have his trouble, but he pull himself together. We need him here." Briony raised an eyebrow, then it clicked. She thought Rick was here to take Felipe to prison.

Did she not know about the apocalypse?

"Ma'am... I'm not here to arrest your grandson." Rick responded gently.

"Then what do you want him for?" She questioned.

Briony was confused, she looked over a Miguel for some guidance but he mouthed. 'I'll explain' to her instead.

Rick looked at her deeply. "He's... Helping us find a missing person. A fella named Glenn."

"The Asian boy? He's with Mr Gilbert. Come. Come, I show you." The old lady, grabbed Rick's hand and led him though the circle. "He needs his medicine."

"Let em pass." Guillermo spoke and all the boys just let down their guard. The group followed Rick and the old lady, whilst Briony looked in Miguel's direction and walked up to him.

"Wanna come with us?" Miguel nodded in response. "So you have a nursing home here?"

"Yeah, we look after the elderly here. Some of the residents here are family members." Miguel informed.

"Why didn't you tell us that?" Briony questioned.

Miguel shrugged his shoulders. "Well, you know. There's bad people out there and we have to protect these people. We don't want to expose them to the outside world, so we look after them here."

Briony smiled. "That's really sweet."

Miguel suddenly stopped. "Hey, I promised you that zoot didn't I?"

Briony modded. "Yeah?"

Miguel grabbed Briony's hand. "Come with me." He led her outside, where a few people were sitting on benches smoking, or having small conversations with each other as they passed.

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