"Roger, please, calm down," he asked, trying to keep his voice calm and soothing, but I very clearly heard the stress in it, and see it on him as well: "I want to help you."
He offered me his hand, making a step towards me.
"NO! NO! STAY AWAY! LET ME BE!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face as I hopped away backwards. Eventually, I tripped over, falling on my butt on the pavement, and I saw him make a short run towards me as he wanted to make sure I'm okay and help me get back up.
"NO!" I yelled, pushing myself away, cowering on the cold pavement like an animal. "STOP IT BRIAN! GO AWAY! LET ME BE!"
He didn't listen. His face changed, hardened, as he caught up to me on the ground, getting on his knees and grasping my ankle to keep me in place.

"NO! NO! LET ME BE BRIAN! LET ME BE! GO AWAY! STOP IT!" Panic in my voice intensified. I didn't want him to touch me, I wanted him to be as far away as possible. I wanted to scratch his eyes out as he started to pull me closer to him by my leg.
"NO! BRIAN FUCKING STOP! LET ME BE!" I kicked and punched in the air with my hands with all my remaining strength, but I didn't win, his grasp was too strong.
"No! NO! NO!" I yelled as a madman, before he pulled me into a hug, pushing me against his body so that I couldn't escape.

I banged my hands against him, hit him in any part of his, even though I knew it would be very painful and he didn't deserve it. But he never let go.

Soon, all my strength ran out and I slowly gave up, sinking into his hug. The warmth of his body calmed my stress, his smell spinning my head round in fantasies. Only the presence of his, the feel of him so close to me, the touch of his skin was making my heart flutter, drawing a smile on my lips before I realized what happened and with cold stab everything was gone again.
"Can we go home now?" He whispered softly in my ear.
I nodded silently.
I wasn't able to answer. I was afraid my voice would crack and then I wouldn't be able to stop crying.

Without asking, Brian took me under my knees and shoulders and picked me up bridal style as if I weight nothing. I felt heat run up to my cheeks, being embarrassed what the people around will think about us. And yet- I was still mad at Brian, I didn't want him to carry me around as if nothing happened.

"Let me down Brian," I complained quietly, but he didn't listen, instead, he grabbed me even tighter.
"No I won't," he smiled at me. Oh his pink lips, he nearly made me smile as well.
"I will take you home."
I sighed, with acted disappointment, closing my eyes and leaning against his chest. All the thoughts and memories of this one cursed night suddenly flew away as I sensed Brian's presence so near me. The heavy exhaustion ran over me like a wave, sweeping me into sleep, whilst I was carried home by my one and only best friend.

I woke up to the sound of keys tingling near my ear, and door creaking as it was being opened. I lifted up my heavy eyelids with a groan as pain ran through my whole body in the minute of my awakening, realizing I was still in Brian's arms as he was just getting into my flat.
"I have to go to school," I murmured silently, stretching, and gently trying to get from his grip.
"You're not going," he replied with a slight smile as he sent me a quick look and continued on into the room.
"I really do. It's Monday," I still protested faintly.
"Don't act as if you minded," he smirked and stepped into my bedroom, laying me gently down on the bed. Until I rested on the curtains, I haven't realized how much drained I was. Now I felt as if I couldn't move a single muscle.
"Bri?" I asked quietly, my eyes closing.
"Thank you."
"It's alright," he smiled and sat on the edge of the bed, his expression turning into a worried one in seconds. "Are you alright?"
Everything came suddenly back again, memories buzzing and banging in my head as a tornado of angry bees. I looked away, inhaling deeply.
I just chuckled and closed my eyes. He knew me so well. Maybe even too well. Anyhow, I didn't had the energy to explain anything, even though I maybe needed it. There will be time later.
"You're gonna stay here, and call me if anything's wrong," he didn't push on me too hard which I was so thankful for right now, treated me like a mother would her sick child. "And while you're chilling your ass out, I'm gonna go to school."
"You prick, now you don't act as if you minded," I chuckled.
"You're right," he admitted, shrugging his shoulders. "But I'm worried about you."
"You don't have to be," I opened my eyes, looking up at him, cowering on my pillow.
"I still am," he raised his eyebrows with a sigh. "I have to Rog. I'll stop for a visit in the afternoon."
As he started to get up, I was suddenly wide awake, my heart started beating faster from excitement and panic. I didn't want him to leave. I wanted him to stay. Stay here with me for now and forever.
"Bri-" I inhaled sharply.
"Yeah?" He frowned, getting back down on the bed, leaning closer towards me.
I didn't know what to say. What I truly wanted to say, I could never do. I didn't even had any idea how to organize my thoughts in words and sentences. Now, I could only tell him off somehow, make something up, some stupidity. But nothing came to my mind.

I stayed there, staring into his beautiful glistening eyes, shaking with the stress and fear of the situation I got myself in. His gentle worried look, looking right into me, really caring about me and my wealth, but still, had no idea, what I was struggling with right now. This was the one and only thing I was sure Brian could never help me with.

He was so close. I could see every slightest detail on his face, his soft pale skin, his warm breath waving over my cheeks. His pink lips were parted, I could feel the touch of them on mine.

I blacked out. I completely blacked out.

Suddenly I had my lips pressed gently against his incredibly soft hot skin dancing on the most sensible piece of mine's. His lips were sweet, had a comforting beautiful taste, sending energy through my veins, filling me with excitement, happiness and pure gold joy.
I wish that could stay forever.

Just too quickly, he jerked himself and pulled away.
He looked concerned, the look on his face will forever be stored in my mind. He was confused, terrified, shocked and... disgusted?
"I have to go," He shot up from the bed, rushing towards the door. His face went pale, desperately avoiding any eye contact with me as he left.
"Bye Rog," he said before shutting the front door of my flat behind him.


thE tRoUBlE hAs bEgUn

Thank you for 600+ fucking reads, #8 in Maylor, and have a nice day

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