the child's frown only deepens, and she looks up at clarke, tears brimming at her eyes. "mama, play outside."

(she's not quite used to being told that she can't have something, being the beloved only child of the commander and the sky princess. truth be told, dany's a little more than confused right now. she thought, since she had said 'please' more than once, that lexa would change her mind and say yes.

that is the purpose of the word, isn't it?)

clarke sighs, her eyes flitting between their daughter and lexa. she clicks her tongue, "not today, okay? we can play inside."

a quiet whimper escapes dany, and that sets her off. "outside," she whines, "wanna play outside!"


(it takes them ten minutes to calm her down, and when dany's tears have been kissed away by both of her mothers and she's settled in front of the fireplace with her toys, clarke corners the commander as she's putting on her boots at the foot of the stairs.

"what was that about?" clarke's voice is hushed as she watches lexa's swift fingers lace up her boots. when she only looks up wordlessly, her eyebrow quirking up curiously, clarke continues, "you wouldn't let her out even though the sun is shining outside."

lexa stands, straightening her armour and squaring her shoulders. her lips are a thin line as she seems to think about what to say. "the sun may be shining but the wind bites. I don't want her to fall ill."

something feels off, clarke thinks. "you let her out yesterday and you didn't mind that she came home sniffling."

"all the more reason for her to stay inside." lexa's eyes dart towards the room where dany is quietly playing, "why are we still talking about this?"

clarke shakes her head slightly, "I don't know." she takes her bottom lip between her teeth, "we don't usually say no to her."

lexa breathes out, glad for the change of topic, and she smiles gently, "we should start, it's for her own good.")


the whole incident is forgotten for the next few days, and when lexa is out to meet with her warriors and tarryn is still away in her son's village for the next few days, dany tugs on clarke's shirt and she grins, "play outside, mama?"

it's late afternoon and the sun is surprisingly still out, but it's on it's way to setting and it'll be replaced by darkness in a few hours. clarke seems to mull over the question in her head, and she sees no harm in letting dany out for a little while. "sure, baby, but you're only allowed outside the house where I can see you. you can't go too far or into the centre, okay?"

(she needs these next few hours anyway to clean dany's mess on the dining table from their lunch and to clear away her toys that are littering the hallways.)

clarke doesn't let the little girl out until she's sure that dany understands that she mustn't go far, and until she's sure that her coat is buckled up and her gloves aren't going to be pulled off haphazardly while she's playing.

there are only a few children playing around the trees and on the street up ahead of the commander's home. dany is quick to join them, and soon clarke is busy tidying up the house.

(she fondly thinks of herself as the housewife, like in those movies she has watched and books she has read that date back to the society of the old world. she feels maybe, this is her kind of normalcy now.)

clarke only pauses from tasks when she hears the front door open and then quietly click shut, and she hears sniffling and loud stomping of boots in the hallway, followed by, "mama clarke!"

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