Chapter Twenty-Two

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(Day 7/100)

"Jin Hee! Shall we go out today?" I screamed from the sitting area.

"Sure? With the guys?" she shouted back.

"No, just us!"

There was a moment of silence and the sound of chopping stop. "Uh, okay then! We'll have breakfast then leave alright?"

It was Jin Hee's turn to make breakfast since I made them yesterday. Well, I attempted to make breakfast yesterday. The pancakes burnt when I left it for a while to check on the sports news. Jin Hee came rushing down when she smelled something uncanny. She literally shouted like a mother and told me to scram and she'll make the rest of the pancakes.


"Where should we go today?" I asked her as we walked to the nearest subway station.

Jin Hee decided to take the subway instead of the car because she missed taking the subway. That's pretty silly but whatever.

"Let's go shopping!" She said cheerfully as her eyes sparkled. "I haven't gone shopping before. I mean like with a lot of money and all." She said as she turned red.

"Alright then." I said. I wasnt too keen on shopping and its been a while since I went shopping with a girl. The last was Krystal and i wouldnt consider it fun..

I held Jin Hee's hands as we walked to the subway. Although its fake, we agreed on the rules Jin Hee laid out the other day.

"Jin Hee, let's have some base rules in our relationship." I said.

"Isnt it a fake relationship?" She laughed at me.

"Yeah but still. Everything need rules and plus we need to know Dos and Donts don't we?"I reasoned.

"Okay.. That seems quite fair. But.. since when did you ever follow rules you idiot." She said.

"These are our rules so!!" I said smacking her arm. "Alright Rule #1.... Skinship in anyway is purely and perfectly acceptable."



"Forget it, moving on!" She said.

"Rule #2 hugs and kisses are an everyday thing. A morning kiss, a thank you kiss, a-" I said but was stopped halfway.

"Excuse me? I do not want to kiss you, you disgusting boy." She snapped.

"Too bad you'll have to my dear." I winked and she rolled her eyes then asking me to move on.

"Oh wait, rule #3 house chores must be split equally like today is my turn and tomorrow is yours then its mine and so on. Fair?" She butt in before I continued.

I groaned at the thought of house chores. Maybe when its my turn i'll just sneak out. I grinned and nodded which made her curious in what's cooking in my devilish mind.

"Rule #4, no hiding of feelings." She continued. "Like if you're upset, come and tell me. Or if im unsatisfied with anything, i'll tell you so we can work things out. Get what I mean?"

"Eww why would I share my feelings with you."

"Stop being such a child JungKook." She said. "Well then. That's settled. Come on, our stop is here!" She dragged me out of the subway and onto the streets.


"This is so cute!" Jin Hee squealed as she looked at a royal blue dress.

"That looks exactly like we saw in the previous shop! Are you getting it or not?!" I groaned and sighed.

"Oh shut it. It's only the third shop we've been into! Quit complaining." She said and grabbed a black dress into the dressing room. I sat on the seat available. Thank the lord for chairs.

-Incoming text from Suga-
S: Yo JungKook! Wanna hang out with us today? We're heading to xx shopping mall!
JK: Sorry man, i'm taking Jin Hee out on a date. Plus we're already here.
S: shall we meet later on?
JK: see ya.

The door of the dressing room opened and an elegant looking Jin Hee came out of the dressing room. The dress showed her figure and it somehow defines/enhances her cheekbones when she smiles. Her red lipstick tops of everything. I almost loose grip of my phone but quickly caught it. "You look... stunning.." I said sheepishly.

"Aww, thanks." she said then turned to the lady working there that she'd like this dress. At least she bought something. "Let's go to a makeup shop next please!"

I groaned and just tagged along. Etude house was so pink it made me sick. I stood by the Taemin standee and watch Jin Hee as she wondered around the store. She was the only one in there excluding the clerks. I walked towards her to see what she was looking at: nail polish. "What color are you getting?"

"I'm not sure.. maybe it'll just get pink." She sAid picking up a bottle of light pink nail polish.

"Lets get opaque white, baby blue, lime green and black!" I said grabbing the bottles then headed to the counter with Jin Hee. She and the clerk laughed a little looking at how excited i was. Jin Hee shook her head and gave the clerk some cash.

We headed out of the store and went to grab some drinks at a near by cafe. As we were walking there, as promised, Suga, RapMon, Hoseok, V and Jimin were there. And Jin was with them!! I tighten my grip on jin hee's hands.

"Hi guys!" Jin Hee said and hugged everyone. She hesitated a little at Jin but he pulled her into a hug anyway. Jin asked Jin Hee to sit next to him and she immediately agreed to. God, JIN HEE!!!!

Together Forever (EDITING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang