Chapter Twelve

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"Oi! You're the one that kissed me you idiot." I retorted after a while.

"Yeah, but you didn't protest..." He smirked emphasizing on the word, 'protest' . "I wonder what Jin would say."

"Don't. You. Dare Jeon JungKook." I said.

"Try me!" He smirked. "I could destroy you and Jin's relationship in minutes.."

I was so frustrated I could have sworn I would cry. Tears started to form as I stood up and turned around to leave but JungKook grabbed me by the hand. "Jin Hee, I'm kidding." He said as he pulled me down to sit next to him. "Don't cry." JungKook took a tissue and wiped my tears away gently. "You look uglier when you cry."

I could help but laugh and jokingly push him away. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. I froze at his actions. It was something Jin always did. I realized how disloyal I have been towards Jin and how pissed he would have been if he found out. I sighed and felt bad. I really liked him but something is in the way and its killing me.

Suddenly my phone vibrated

-Message from Kim Seokjin-

Babe, I have good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?

I quickly texted back: I missed you so much! Lets here the good news first!

-Message from Kim Seokjin-

I'll arrive in Seoul later tonight at 11 so I can tell you the bad news! Sorry.. I'll drop by your house later on! See you later.

I started to get worried about the bad news. Is it that bad that he can't tell me by text? I texted back then kept my phone away. I wondered what the bad news might be. Please dont let the bad news be that bad!

"I have to go home now. Rest well idiot."I said then open the door.

I found Jimin and V eavesdropping from outside. They give a sheepish smile and I chuckled. I told them I was leaving and Jimin offered to take me home.

"Don't Jimin! I'll send her home!" JungKook shouted followed by a cough.

"No, you stay home!" Jimin smirked which made me really confused because JungKook was literally protesting. "Lets go Jin Hee!"

I nodded and we walked out in the cold winter evening. It was a few hours till Jin came back. I was really excited but nervous at the same time.

"You know, JungKook talks a lot about you.." He said out of the blue. "He doesn't normally have friends which are girls. I'm surprised that you and him are getting along well."

"Takes a while to be his friend actually. He threatened me when I first came to the school." I said and he laughed. "But he didn't really cause me any harm. He just annoys the hell out of me! But I'm glad we're good friends now."

Jimin laughed. "Well, that's JungKook for you! He's really caring deep deep deep down. You'll see soon.." Jimin assured me and pat me on my shoulders.

"Hmm.. how long is soon?" I said and we laughed. "Well I this is my house!" I said presenting to him a very small house and his eyes widen.

"You stay here?" Jimin asked a little shock and I nodded. "You must be the 'poor kid' Rachel always talks about!"

"Excuse me?" I said ready to sass him.

"No I didn't mean to call you poor! Please dont get me wrong. Rachel has been talking about a new kid who is not so wealthy. Must be you.." Jimin said.

"You're friends with Rachel?"

"No actually.. She thinks she's friends with us. But she actually just hangs around us because she has a thing for JungKook." He said

"Well, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. She hates me because I sit next to JungKook in class!" I said.

Jimin laughed so hard he smacked my arm. Did I say something funny? Pretty sure I just stated facts!!

"Hey, pass me your phone number! We can text each other!" Jimin suggested. I happily agreed! Yay! A new friend that doesn't mind my financial background!

"Well, see you tomorrow in school!" Jimin waved and jogged off.

Jimin & Friends go to Sakura High? Oh my god have I been living under a rock?! I opened the door to my house and realised that it was a monday, hence my father would be working overtime.

I plopped onto the sofa and without realising, I fell asleep..

안녕! 생일축하해 우리 김태형이
Hello! It's V's birthday today! I'm so happy although it isn't my birthday. Anyways its almost new year so enjoy the rest of the year everyone! I hope you liked this chapter btw! <3

Votes and comments are appreciated<3

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