Chapter One

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Jin Hee POV

The bell rang indicating that class was finally over! I packed my things then i felt a swarm of girls coming over to my place. I thought i was in trouble. But when I look up, I realised that they were headed to Mr Late's side.

"Jungkook oppa.. you look great today." a girl said as she giggled.

Oh, so his name is JungKook. What a nice name for a guy like him. And I guess i was wrong, he is a popular kid. Great. I rolled my eyes at the girls that were admiring Jungkook. I wanted to barf, like how can you possibly like a guy so rude?

"Hey, new kid!" One of the girls from the crowd called. She had long hair that was tied into a ponytail. "You're on scholarship aren't you? Doesn't that mean you're poor?" She said gasping and acting shocked.

"We have a poor kid in our school? That's the end of Sakura High's reputation!" Another girl said. "O-M-G, look at her bag, Rachel! I wonder how many decades that bag has gone through." She continued saying while talking to the girl who called me new kid. This girl on the other hand had short hair. She looked pretty, I had to admit.

"Disgusting! There must be rodents in there." Another girl laughed.

Rachel walked towards me and literally pulled my bag away from me and tossed it to the other side of the classroom. I was so scared I could barely say anything. This treatment was new and nothing seemed to process in my mind.

I saw Jungkook's smug face looking at me then he left the classroom while the girls chased after him. Rachel was the only one left as she looked at me disgustingly. I was so furious that he didnt do anything and this annoying girl kept talking about my shoes. Not that I can't stand up for myself but he could have at least be responsible and stop these girls.

"What is your problem? Did i cause problem to you? I don't think so, now move a long before i pull of your disgusting hair extensions." i growled and push her aside.

"How dare she!" I heard rachel say from inside the class. I rolled my eyes. I thought girls like them only exist in dramas or movies. Its either that or my life is a joke.

I walked down the hallway with many whispers and all i could hear was people calling me poor, ugly and garbage. I was quite disappointed with people here. I walked up to the rooftop hoping that no one will be there. I wanted some alone time. Its my first day and its not really what I expected.

Then I saw someone there on the rooftop. A guy with his hands in pockets, looking out and enjoying the view at the top. The door slammed shut and the guy turned around. He looked stunning. He was really handsome, his hair neatly covered his forehead. He was tall, had broad shoulders and his body was quite buff.

"Oh, im sorry! I accidentally let go of the door." I apologize. It was embarrassing and awkward. I was stunned by his features i could have sworn i was drooling.

"You're the new kid that got in on scholarship right?" He asked.

Oh great! I thought he would be someone nice. Now he's probably going to be one of my haters too.

"Are you going to bully me too?" I asked showing disappointment.

"I'm not.. I'm going to be your friend instead.." He grinned. "I'm Kim Seokjin. Everyone calls me Jin. Nice to meet you.." He smiled again.

"Is this a joke?" i asked

"No, I'm being sincere." he shook his head and smiled warmly.

"Are you serious?" i asked again.

"drop dead serious." He answered. "we should get back to class since its starting in 5 minutes."

I was still stunned but i nodded and headed down the rooftop and into class with my new friend, Seokjin.

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