Chapter Three

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The following day, I was walking to school whilst listening to songs when suddenly someone pulled the handle of my bag pulling me backwards.

"Aish, Jin Hee! I know you like me and think I'm hot but this is no way for a girl to show her feelings by throwing herself all over me." JungKook said acting disappointed as he pushed me back on my feet.

I groaned then fasten my pace as school was so close. I could feel JungKook tagging along behind but I continued to ignore JungKook praying that he will leave me alone. Bad enough he has to sit next to me in class.

"Jin Hee!" I looked up and saw Jin waving from across.

"Hi Jin!" I shouted back. I walked towards him and smiled. He was truly handsome up close and his scent was nice. What luck I have meeting a friend like him!

"What were you doing with JungKook?" He asked as we walked into the school's cafeteria. It was an hour before classes start so we decided to have some breakfast.

"JungKook? Well he lives in the same street and he has been following me since yesterday!" i cringed thinking about what happened yesterday.

"Stay away from him Jin Hee. He's bad company. Trust me, I know." Jin said and sighed. I wanted to ask him what happened but decided not to as it might offend him.

"Okay.." was all I said to him. He smiled then ruffled my hair. My heart fluttered when he did that. I smiled too then I realised JungKook at the other side of the cafeteria looking at us.

He realised I was looking then he rolled his eyes and walked away. What's his problem. I ignored him then walked to class with Jin.

"Shall we have lunch together?" Jin asked when we arrived infront of my class.

"Sure! Can we eat at the rooftop? I enjoy the view and cool wind!" I said.

"Sure! I better get going. Bye Jin Hee." He said and ruffled my hair again before winking then running of to his class.

I swear there were butterflies in my stomach when he did that. Jin was such a nice person and he was especially handsome. I might have a little crush on him.

"Not bad, you made friends with Sakura High's 2nd most popular boy.." JungKook popped from beside causing me to jump a little.

"2nd? Who is the first?" I asked.

"Me you idiot." JungKook said and flicked my forehead. "Why are you with him anyway?"

"Why? Can't I be with him?" I asked a little annoyed that he won't leave me alone.

"Uh no you can't. You're mine." JungKook said sitting next you me. "Stay away from him."

"No can do. I'm his." I said flipping my hair in his face.

JungKook suddenly pushed his chair facing me even though Mr Kim had already started lessons.

"Are you serious? What do you mean?" He asked seriously. I ignored him and continued with my work. " Jin Hee."

"Jeon JungKook! Did you listen to what I said?" Mr Kim suddenly bellowed. "Repeat the Cosine Rule."

"a2=b2+c2-2bcCos(A)" JungKook repeated the formula without stuttering. I had to admit I was impressed but I showed no signs of care.

Mr Kim's face become emotionless then turned back to the whiteboard and started writing Sine Rule that we had learnt last year.

"Impressive." I said sort of complimenting him I guess. Maybe because JungKook has an image of a guy that plays a fool and has probably dated any girl he wants. But I guess he has a smart side to him.

"Yeah but back to my question. What is Jin to you?" JungKook demanded to know.

" Non of your business." I said pulling my chair further from him as I realised how close he was. I could literally hear him breathing.

"You are my business in case you don't know." JungKook said. He wanted to continue his sentence but was cut of by the bell. I grabbed my things and walked out of class. "Have lunch with me." JungKook said.

God, doesnt this boy have friends. Plus he's always following me! Yes, I want more friends but JungKook is scaring me.

"No."  Was all i said. I wanted to walk away but  JungKook suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.

"Yah! JungKook let her go." I suddenly heard an angel's voice said that from across the hall way. Jin stood with his arms folded.

  "No, Jin Hee is having lunch with me." JungKook said as he tighten his grip on my hand.

"I doubt so." Jin said than grabbed my right hand. "Let go of her."

"Who do you think you are to ask me to let go of her?" JungKook raised his voice.

By this time, every girl in school was surrounding us. I could feel all the girls looking at me and if looks could kill, I'd probably be dead by now. I tried shaking my hand away from JungKook but he tighten his grip. Again.

"I'm Jin Hee's boyfriend so let go of her now." Jin pushed JungKook away causing him to stumble and Jin pulled me closer to him. So close, that my head was on his chest. "Stay away from her."

"Jin Oppa likes her?"

"God that lucky prick better get away from him before I get my hands on her."

So many hate comments. Jin was really popular in school too. I felt kinda proud but scared at the same time. Like, look at the fangirls of Jin. Rich, pretty, rich.. did I say rich already?

It suddenly dawned upon me that Jin announced to everyone he is my boyfriend. No wonder the hate comments! My heart beat increased i think i could die from happiness. But Jin could just be saying that to get JungKook away from me.

"Bad news Jin, I like her too." JungKook said. My eyes widen and the crowd gasp. "May the best man win."

"You're full of crap Jeon JungKook." Jin rolled his eyes then brought me out of the crowd as he protected me.

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